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every freedom is a trust


torremolinos! que increible!

ok, what do you mean with the first word? i don't really see what a town in spain has to do with anything.

sorry, I was thinking that it meant earthquakes when I wrote it (don't know why it didn't do it today but before when I opened this page the whole thing shook for a second or two -- it was very cool) but now that I think a bit harder I think the word I was looking for was terremoto (I'll get my dictionary and look it up for sure a bit later -- it's upstairs and I'm terribly lazy)

oh it'll shake, it'll shake like a fox

congrats on the shaking. nice work.

ahhh that's so funny.. it shakes on my computer too!.

Too bad the link goes nowhere...

its not a link

There's a finger though

Oh Thank God you all noticed the shaking too! I thought I was losing my mind!
Then I had the suspicion that maybe Matt was trying to send everyone subliminal messages (a la Fight Club)...wouldn't that be frightening? :)

no more shakey shakey

Yeah, for a minute I thought my screen was having an online seizure. Thanks for the clarification. Only Matt could get 12 comments totally off-topic from what he posted about. Haha. See you at the wedding!

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