April 5, 2008

One last entry here: I am moving to http://greatmindsthinktoomuch.blogspot.com/ and will be trying to post more often. Please update your bookmarks and hope to see you there.

November 6, 2007

I won a digital camera from Exclaim magazine. I'd apparently won a camera and some tickets to a gig on Saturday. Unfortunately I couldn't get the package until today so I missed the concert. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with only having the camera.

October 11, 2007

New radiohead is quite amazing (as one would expect.) Can't wait for the big box to arrive in December.

September 28, 2007

Hey kids, long time no.. write? I'm somewhat disinterested in this blog, especially since every idiot out there is on facebook and have left blogs behind. However, since Wade is still posting on his and I have some things I wouldn't mind saying, and Jer is.. somewhere out there (Uni mostly), I've unlocked our group discussion blog to the masses. Hopefully with others reading and commenting, we'll be inclined to start writing things again.


August 30, 2007

A few things

First and foremostly; Happy Birthday Lenni!

Secondly, Queens of the Stone Age was f cking amazing!

Lastly... nope, that's it for now.

July 8, 2007

A Question about Live Earth

Live Earth is supposed to be "Carbon Neutral", but what about the "billion" or so people sitting in front of their televisions sucking power off carbon puking power grids?