with child
hmm, now i'm being encouraged to pontificate on pregnancy. i'd be happy to do this, however if i were to breach this subject (oh no, bad pun), i would most likely talk about the ways the current methods of birthing (including lamaz) are unnecessarily hard on both mother and child. i would also discuss some of what i know about effective and pain reducing birthing procedures. there might even be pictures involved. Note the warning in upper right corner. i will do it people, really i will.
Are visuals REALLY necessary?
Posted by: Lo | June 21, 2004 2:52 PM
sure, diagrams and such. its not like i'm gonna use pictures of the damage done to some poor woman by an episiotomy.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 21, 2004 2:58 PM
You've frightened people with episiotome talk...myself included....
Posted by: Lo | June 22, 2004 1:47 PM
see not only do i know it's better to tear than cut, i also know ways (graphic but viable) ways of helping prevent the need for either. we could also go into the whole birthing positions thing.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 22, 2004 1:58 PM
Oy vey - the thought makes me shudder.
I've stopped watching shows like "A Baby Story" simply b/c I usually just sit there and gawk and start worrying about the birthing process of my unborn children.
Posted by: Lo | June 22, 2004 2:35 PM
like i said, i know both sides of alot of it. i know what they'll do to make it worse for the mother and the baby and then i know a good bit of what to do to make it easier. part of my wanting to know this stuff is just because i think pregnacy and giving birth are special, wonderful, important, God given things. i would want my wife (God willing), or any woman for that matter, to have it be as wonderful as possible.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 22, 2004 2:41 PM
I think I'm going to love being pregnant - I love pregnant women - I think they are the cutest ever! And I LOVE babies!
And although I hope to have a positive experience when it comes to delivery, i can't honestly say I'm looking forward to it....the unknown is scary.
I'll probably be begging for drugs (I fear I have a relatively low pain threshold - read: I'm wimpy).
Posted by: Lo | June 22, 2004 4:48 PM
i had a huge comment written about this. i was gonna go into graphic explanations about how you and your partner can take steps to lessen pain and damage. then i got half way thru, and i realized this is really graphic stuff that i don't really need to put up on my blog. i hope when you have this experience that you or someone who loves you takes the time to make sure its as pleasant and beautiful as possible. and remember there are no guarantees.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 22, 2004 7:58 PM
I was educated at school about some alternatives to traditional child birth. For the first time in my life I talked to people who seriously intended to have home births. I thought that was pretty cool, however, after experiencing my sister's birthing experience 3 months ago, I think the hospital is the way to go. My nephew was 9lbs11oz and got stuck on the way out. His shoulders got stuck in my sister's pelvis and he had to be pulled out with forceps. I think that sometimes no matter what precautions or preparatory measures are taken, there will be tearing etc.
On the topic of drugs to decrease pain I think that they push them too heavily in hospitals. I think that there is a time and place for them, but women were designed to give birth and no it's not pleasant, but obviously it's tolerable because there were MANY years where people did not use drugs. One other concern with drugs is the fact that a woman usually tends to avoid medications during her pregnancy. However right before they give birth, they get so pumped full of drugs that they can't feel it. Seems strange....that's my 2 cents ;)
Posted by: Angie | June 22, 2004 9:21 PM
i used to always want a c-section, just cut and take the baby out, but i think now that actually having it, is the whole reason to get pregnant. it would be so much more personal. i don't know if i would use drugs for it. my pain tolerance is a little higher, but who knows what all goes on in that situation, b4 it happens
Posted by: Pamela | June 23, 2004 9:19 AM
Maybe I should re-phrase what I said...
I am looking forward to the WHOLE experience (I can't imagine a more powerful one). Education is a wonderful thing - and there are plenty of things you can do to prepare for the event. Pain thresholds are very individual things - and I don't think hospitals should push drugs either - but I think the woman going through it should have the right to say when enough is enough.
I hope to have a natural birthing experience. If genetics have anything to do with it - I have a feeling I won't even make it to a natural childbirth - I'll probably end up having a C-section (this Golding has narrow hips). Both my mom and sister almost died during her delivery and ended up an emergency C-section - so I was a planned C. The whole process is a miracle and however it pans out (C-section/natural) will be amazing - so long as you have a happy and healthy mom and baby in the end!
Posted by: Lo | June 23, 2004 12:32 PM
um yeah, i'm gonna agree with angie on the hospital thing. however in england they have midwives in the hospital. that way if anything goes wrong you're in the right place. if nothing goes wrong you're with someone you've had a bit of a relationship with before hand and you're not being pressured to have drugs or an unnecesary c-section. i'm not going to touch the c-section thing. for me it's one of those things that is terribly important and certainly lifesaving when it needs to be done, but to do it just to make it "easier" is....... wow thats scary.
pregnacy and birth is something that has become an industry in north america. even in canada our system shows signs of becoming geared towards quantity over quality, or efficientcy over care. the birthing ward at RUH is one dingy little hole, the maternity ward is bright and comfortable. how messed up is that. i want to learn more and will take any knowledge anyone will cough up because i'm just plain old nosey and i figure maybe someday (hopefully) it'll come in handy. now if i could just figure out how to like children between the ages of 1.5 and 15 years old.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 23, 2004 5:27 PM