the spectrum of futility
ok, mark asked me to label him politically. i have no idea about marks politics. but here are a couple sites that will help you find out. these don't tell you where you should align yourself as far as parties, but tells you where you are in the political spectrum. there about 75 questions and graph on the same chart.
Political Survey #1
Political Survey #2
try it out, and comment on where you come out.
i'm quite a bit left, and a fair bit libertarian. so i'm a collective anarchist.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 11, 2004 3:01 AM
Well, according the the first survey deally-i'm a left idealist. a little more left then tony blair-now i wonder if that's good or bad.
Posted by: tam | June 11, 2004 2:37 PM
Just as I thought... I'm pretty much in the exact center of that graph. A little to the left, and a little down.
Posted by: Jer | June 11, 2004 6:05 PM
Looks like you were off the mark by calling me a crazy right winger (who're you calling crazy, mister!).
You can put me in the left-libertarian category with the likes of Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
Although I'm probably not as extreme as you - it might be a little harder than you initially thought it would be to piss me off.
I like to think I'm in good company.
Excellent sites, Matt. Thanks.
Posted by: Lo | June 11, 2004 8:25 PM
damn, i'm screwed. a well, i'm still a bigger commie than you (i hope, otherwise....... sheesh)
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 11, 2004 9:31 PM
We could form an alliance. Sort of like "Pinky and the Brain."
Something tells me I'd be Pinky.
Posted by: Lo | June 11, 2004 10:08 PM
well, you have gone to uni. you could be smarter. and probably not as abstract.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 11, 2004 11:32 PM
my dad is a little bit right and a little bit more idealistic. he was right near joseph stalin.
Posted by: m a wiebe | June 12, 2004 2:55 PM
I'm a leftist idealist according to the 1st test. Well on my way to Tony Benn (whoever he is. . . at first I wondered if that was short for Tony Bennett).
Posted by: markio | June 12, 2004 5:48 PM
i'm a right-winger idealist.. although i have no clue what it means... it's cool!
Posted by: pamela | June 12, 2004 8:25 PM
right wing and utilitarian...i dunno. didn't like being near tony blair, or that close to adolf hitler. stupid quizzes.
Posted by: mel | June 13, 2004 3:32 AM
now i'm left authoritarian.. on the 2nd quiz!!!!!!!!! sooo confusing
Posted by: Pamela | June 13, 2004 10:03 AM
The second test puts me in exactly the same corner, just a little bit farther in both directions, left libertarian. Pretty much right by Nelson Mandela. Interesting...
Posted by: Jer | June 14, 2004 6:15 PM
hey Matt! I finally did one of your political spectrum quizes (only because I had some time to kill before I figured it would be acceptable to go to bed -- don't know why I'm so tired so early these days but that's another story for another time and place).
I scored exactly where I figured I would: left of center between Charles Kennedy and Tony Blair. I knew as much. I had to laugh though when one of the questions asked, "does our society need more lawyers" (or something like that). I had to strongly agree that we do since that's what I need to believe (if I believed any differently I'd have to rethink my next 3 years!)
Posted by: caro | June 18, 2004 11:36 AM