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living has become reduced to

living has become reduced to the economy of space


What?! at the risk of eyebrows being raised at my ignorance, where did that come from?

this is a quote that appears in the t(i)nc video "smash it up". i believe it speaks to the fact that in europe right (specifically sweden) now living space is getting limited. because of this people are beings seen less for their personal significance and more for how much space they take up. i think it speaks more broadly to the fact that all of us are seen more as consumers than as what we contribute to society. this certainly doesn't apply universally, but does apply to the overwhelming commercial aspect of our society.

On another note...I'm loving this Muse CD Matt. It's quite good.

Okay, yeah. Have to agree with you on that one. Also, people are seen I would not only as commodities or liabilities, but political pawns...use our emotions to fuel your campaigns...nice.