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we finally got jer and marie married. it was a long day, but in all honestly very nice. i'm not a wedding person. and i'm definitely not a wedding party person. but we had fun, mostly due to having crazy's on both sides (groomsmen and bridesmaids).

i learned two things today (yesterday i suppose):

1) women should always have a jacket with. they are always cold and always seem to need to wear the worst clothes for the climate. ah well, guess it was just a chance for chivalry.

2) the best way to dance at the wedding is with another guy. mark is an insane dancer and was actually singing while we were dancing. plus all the old people give you wierd looks after. brilliant.


yes, it was a fun time. Next time u dance with another guy, someone needs to dip someone else. :)

The "ladies of Forest Grove" wouldn't even let us finish a dance. hahaha That was such a fun wedding.

no, guys don't dance enough as it is and it is just completely wrong that they use one of their too few dances with another guy. But you're right about the looks -- it's a great way to get the older generation buzzing.

That was hilarious. I had a great time too. You 2 dancing seemed to cap the evening off. I was exhausted and not feeling well, but while the wedding was on, I didn't seem to feel it. Such a great day. And good dancing all.

i hate dancing. but, i knew, as a groomsman, i really had too at some point. so i came up with a happy medium, controversy + obligation = fun. good nuff. oh, and then Pam dragged me out there.

awwwww... you liked it! :), if i knew i was "dragging" you, i wouldn't have done it!

i'm sorry i spelled my name wrong! well!! have a good nite!

oh yeah, i danced with you to didn't i. interesting.

what ya doin b4 work?

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