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as chris has so delightfully put it i love the beatles. i am a big fan of british music, the rock bands anyway. so in keeping with that love, here's my top 5 beatles songs:

1)within you, without you - trippy with very meaningful lyrics
2)taxman - a wonderful song about the unfairness of taxes
3)happiness is a warm gun - anti-war song with very sexual lyrics
4)eleanor rigby - song about loneliness, only song by macartney i'm putting up
5)i'm only sleeping - i'm not sure what this is about, but its a little bit of the old pop beatles and the later trippy beatles

those certainly aren't the only songs i like and there are possibly other ones that would fit in there too. like maxwells silver hammer, nothing like a song about a guy that cracks people in the head with a hammer for no particular reason.


I was soooo gonna comment on the debate stuff below but alas I have had no time to formulate my opinion into suitable words. Plus, I didn't like the comment about your needing more intelligent friends but I consoled myself by deciding that you must not consider me a friend then!

you know what the problem is with blogs. sarcasim is very easily lost on people. lots of people i know are smart. intelligent even. that was a tongue in cheek comment. as you'll notice i preceded to call myself a bitch numerous times in the comments section.

Ya, I knew you were being sarcastic, no worries. I was being sarcastic in return! Gotta love the impersonal world of computers!

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