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September 28, 2006

Want to read about our trip?

For those from Riversedge who might be looking at our website for the first time, you'll need to look back into our archives for journal entries for our trip. To give you an idea of the timeline...
Aug '05 - cross Canada
Sep-Nov - farming
Dec, Jan - Thailand, Laos, Cambodia
Feb - Malaysia, Bali, Thailand
Mar - Nepal
April - India
May - July - Australia

There are all kinds of corresponding photos in the photo gallery (click on the link at the top of the page)

Posted by David at 11:13 PM


well...we'll know by later today (or at the latest tomorrow) whether or not Mo and I will be staying in Montreal for the next several months or if we'll be moving to Calgary. Mo's mom is still in hospital in Dawson Creek and we won't know how all that will work out for another 6-8 weeks. I've agreed to come back to my old job at CH Robinson - but only if I have an out-clause at Christmas in case things don't go as hoped at home and we need to move back out there. I'll find out today if they agree to that. If not...well...we're running out of $$ so the earlier we move and can start looking for work closer to home the better.

Posted by David at 11:10 PM

September 14, 2006


Crazy day today - not more than a 15 minute walk from our apartment in Montreal, some 25 year old guy in punk/goth getup walked into a university prep school (Dawson College) and opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon. It is a miracle that a police-woman happened to be only half a block away and saw him go into the building. As it is, 20 people sustained gunshot wounds, 5 are still in critical condition, 1 girl has died, and the shooter was gunned down by police. And so we mourn here in Montreal today - I walked to the campus a couple of hours after the shooting and it was still fairly crazy down there...I guess this kind of thing can happen at any time and in any place and there is no way to protect people from it...but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

Posted by David at 1:57 PM

September 12, 2006

Mo's coming back

yup...on Thursday morning after an overnight flight. I'm really excited to get to see her again - I know it's only been 16 weeks, but that's a pretty long time in my book.

Mom Esau is stable, but still in hospital in Dawson Creek for at least another 3 weeks. So now Maureen and I have to sit back a bit and decide what we're going to do, be it staying here in Montreal or moving out West for the time being to be closer to home. We'll see...

Posted by David at 1:55 PM | Comments (1)

September 1, 2006


well...I know it's been awhile since the last entry but the wheels seem to have come off for us over the last few weeks.

Maureen did her last journal entry on August 15th just after we'd arrived on the farm in BC. We were having a great time there visiting, but Maureen's Mom was having a hard time with her health (as if the brain tumour isn't enough to deal with). Over the course of a couple of days from the 17th to the 19th her health dropped off so dramatically that she was admitted to hospital Sunday evening (19th).


Monday morning a CAT scan was done which showed that Mom had bleeding going on inside her skull, on the opposite side of the tumour. This helped to explain why she had lost her physical motor skills on the left side of her body - the side which is normally the functional one. She was immediately flown to Edmonton on an air ambulance (Mo went along) and Dad Esau and I drove through the night (8 hours) to get there the following morning.

We ended up spending a full week in Edmonton with a couple of brain surgeries clearing out a substantial amount of pooled blood from Mom's head. On Monday of this week (28th) she was flown back to Dawson Creek, BC for continuing care. It's been a really tough week for her and she has had a number of seizures resulting in loss of speech for prolonged periods. We just found out last night that she will remain in hospital for at least the entire month of September.

So where does that leave us? Well...I don't know. I flew back to Montreal Tuesday night to look for work while Maureen stayed behind. The idea was that she would help with the transition in getting her mom back home before following me to Montreal. However, with this new info that her Mom will not be coming home anytime soon...we just don't know.

so, yeah...I'll keep you posted on what is going on.

Posted by David at 4:17 AM