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May 18, 2006
Thank Goodness for ESPN.com
Every day I look at mobile phone contracts. Over and over and over and over and over. Checking names, serial #, dates, handset prices, signatures, ID, etc. over and over. It is so repetitive and mindnumbing that the first couple of days almost killed me...after months of daily mental stimuli it took me a bit to realize that I had to "dumb down" and zone out for large chunks of the day in order to make time pass quicker. On the other hand, I couldn't ask for much better pay - and I even get to wear sandals to work (or at least I haven't been told not to yet)...I'm moving towards the T-shirt also and I haven't shaved since I got the job 10 days ago. We'll see at what point the boss speaks up.
Besides being questioned about the theft of two 30gig Ipods on Monday (I was/am pretty much the main suspect) things have been really slow there...but that's where I love ESPN.com. Thanks to the fact that Montreal is 14 hours behind me and the west coast is 17 hours, the Eastern NBA and NHL playoff games start at 9am my time with the Westcoast games beginning at noon and running until 3pm or so. So, right after I log into the system at work in the morning I open espn.com and "watch" the games by updating the scores and statistics every few minutes or so. It's been a great distraction...not sure what I'll do when the playoffs end, but so far I've loved following the Oilers and Phoenix Suns games especially. I really lucked out yesterday and had a Phoenix Suns game go into double overtime so that it lasted from noon until 4:45 my time - pretty much the whole afternoon. Anyway, where would we be without sports to pass the time?
Posted by David at May 18, 2006 11:31 PM