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December 8, 2005

The Aftermath...

So...he wasn't so old...and I didn't cry - only the odd wimper here and there ;-) If you would like to try Thai massage at home, here is how: Lie on your left side. Draw your right knee up towards your stomach, exposing the tender inside of your left thigh. Have your significant other crouch and put their knee right on your exposed thigh, lifting their feet off the ground so their entire body weight is resting on that one knee that is on the inside of your thigh. Hold position until you are within seconds of killing your significant other...than have them move to a new, vulnerable location on the exposed thigh and repeat..........

.................hey, we rented a Honda moped yesterday for 5 days - no license needed. Nobody's been hurt yet but it sure is a crazy experience driving out here in the crowds of other bikes, tuk-tuks, pedestrians, and cars. Paul and Jisca rented a bike too and we cruised out to the local theater last night to check it out. We were stuck with either Aeon Flux or Chicken little...so the girls went to see Chicken Little and us guys went to see the action flick. As far as movies go, it was somewhere along the cinematic equivalent of sticking your tongue in a cigarette lighter, but the experience was still pretty cool. We'll have to go back next week to check out King Kong.

Posted by David at December 8, 2005 1:37 PM


ohh, thanks for the exquisite detail on how to get great massage results - Heidi and I are going to try this one out! :)

Posted by: royalchinook [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 9, 2005 1:01 AM