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October 10, 2005
Like a kick to the...um...teeth with a golf shoe!
.........That's how painful it is to be using dial-up internet after having been using high-speed for the last couple of years.....or at least that's my excuse for why it has been so long since I've updated our blog. Anyway, things have been really busy lately, but I'll do my best to fill you in on what's been happening
Last week I (Dave) was teaching grade 8,9, and 10 at Bert Bowes school - it was kind of a gong show as I was scheduled to cover 1 class for every teacher in the school (to give them an extra prep block) which meant I had to teach everything from Math to PE to Drama...I was scheduled to teach foods as well, but the BC teachers decided to go on an illegal
strike on Thursday night. While it is just a messy situation for all involved, at least it absolved me of having to teach on Friday........by then I was more than ready to get back on a tractor where nobody could tell me off and I didn't have to worry about getting pegged in the head by a volleyball kicked by a scrawny 13 year old boy. Mo spent the week working around the farm - chasing bulls, fixing piles of canola, moving fescue between bins and taking care of Mom.
Saturday we spent the better part of the day working around the yard before chowing down for a big "Hockey is Back!" night...sadly, Vancouver lost and I'm in a house of Edmonton fans. ouch.
Sunday we celebrated Thanksgiving with the Esau family...all 55 of us in one house. Our new brother-in-law Justin brought out several 4-wheelers from town so we went out with 9 bikes for part of the afternoon. Lots of fun to be doing that again!! We'll have pictures up soon (if we can get to town). It was a great night - Happy Thanksgiving all!
Anyway, that brings us up to today.......combining Canola. It was a long day, but we've finally got some good weather again so we'll be going pretty hard this week to try and get a couple of fields done.
Other than that....I'm not sure what else to add at this point, other than that I'll try to update the blog a bit more over the next while.
Posted by David at October 10, 2005 10:48 PM