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September 22, 2005
First day of Fall?!?!?
Happy first day of Fall!...although it seems like we've already had Fall and are now moving towards winter as almost all the leaves are gone. The phone lines and internet are back working here so its good to be connected with the world once again.
The last week has been pretty fun - we had some bad weather last Thursday and Friday but that meant we had some good hunting - I got to go on a wolf hunt at Maureen's brother's place and went elk and coyote hunting with Dad Esau a few times...............
..............It was really cool to hear Dad do his elk calls and then hear another elk respond a short distance away. We were all dressed up in camouflage and had one elk come up to within 30 yards of us so that was a lot of fun. On Sunday, we kept playing and we all (Mom and Dad, Mo, David, Paul, Jisca) went riverboating on the Peace and Beatton Rivers for the afternoon. It was another great time - we saw a pile of wildlife (a couple moose, some deer, and 8 bears) and had a hotdog roast along the river.
More recently, Mo and I have been working alot of hours this week as I finished all the swathing (barley and canola) and she was ran a combine. We'll try and wrap up the barley combining today and will leave the wheat for next week - the timing has been great, as Mo's sister Shannon is getting married on Saturday and we need to be helping out more with the prep for that.
Anyway - hang tight, we'll be in the "big city" next week and will update the photo gallery with a ton of pictures, both from our most recent adventures and with wedding shots.
Posted by David at September 22, 2005 11:47 AM