
February 1, 2007

Boston Gripped By Fear of Advertising Campaign


I think the people in Boston have seen one too many Tim Burton movies - or really are afraid of anything that moves. Check this out. An advertising campaign for a TV show consisting of 14 LED boards like the one pictured above were placed around Boston and the folks there figured (logically) that it was a bomb plot. Brilliant.

As they (the police, security officials and politicians) communicated among themselves, they quickly determined there were numerous light boards of identical design distributed throughout the city. "It had a very sinister appearance," Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley told reporters. "It had a battery behind it, and wires."

July 9, 2006

Headbutt Heard 'Round the World

I don't really know what he could've said to Zidane that warranted that kind of response - especially since Zidane has been around for awhile and had to have heard every French/S.African slur against his mother.

Update: And the natural video game follow up.

June 23, 2006

The World's Oldest Animal in Captivity Dies

The world's oldest animal in captivity has died in Australia at the ripe old age of 176. We got to see this tortoise (see short video above) when we were in Australia last year. It is believed Harriet, the tortoise, was one of three animals naturalist Charles Darwin brought back from his trip to the Galapagos Islands in 1835 and which led to his theories of evolution and natural selection.

June 12, 2006


Soccer Urinal

Make sure everything is "finished" before doing your scoring celebration.


May 4, 2006

Small Amounts of Drugs Legalized in Mexico

Saw this on The Daily Show last night. (New York Sun article here)

Mexico has passed a sweeping bill legalizing the possession of small quantities of almost all illegal drugs, including heroin and cocaine.

The regime, likely to be one of the most liberal in the world, is designed to avoid clogging prisons with drug addicts, allowing police to go after big-time dealers.

Crazy. It's bad enough down there with underage drinking - I can't imagine what the spring breakers are going to get up to down there now.

August 19, 2005

CBC Unplugged

Neat. Since the CBC recently locked out it's employees in a labour dispute, a few of those employees have put together a website called so you can still listen to them even though they're not 'on the air'.

July 23, 2005

More Stupid Terror Attacks

This time in Egypt. At least 83 dead after 2 car bombs and a backpack bomb went off.

From Wikipedia:

Often there is a religious element involved, besides other motives such as politics or blackmail: many suicide bombers believe that they will attain an otherworldly reward for their sacrifice. Those who send suicide bombers on missions cultivate the belief that suicide bombers are martyrs, according to a controversial reading of Islamic teaching. Palestinian television has aired a number of music videos and announcements that promote eternal reward for children who seek "shahada", which Palestinian Media Watch has claimed is "Islamic motivation of suicide terrorists". The Chicago Tribune has documented the concern of Palestinian parents that their children are encouraged to take part in suicide operations.

It's hard to try and dissuade someone from doing something that their religon teaches they will be rewarded for.

January 31, 2005

Beer Saves a Man's Life

Whenever you travel throught the mountains, you should always carry a couple cases of beer with you... just in case.

January 26, 2005

60 Years Since Liberation of Auschwitz

Dachau Camp
Dachau Ovens

It's the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. We had the opportunity to visit Dachau 5 years ago and that is where the pictures above are from. Having been at the site of a concentration camp, it is still very, very hard to fathom what exactly went on. And while the world talks of 'never letting this happen again', we have and continue to even today. Rwanda in 1994, Cambodia in the 70s and Darfur today as you're reading this, among many others I'm sure.

What do you do in the face of such evil from humanity? How do you respond? Most of us, have already answered that.

November 22, 2004

Reports From Iraq

Here's an interesting read from a freelance cameraman in Iraq. He's someone who actually sees what the soldiers are dealing with up close and personal. In this entry he describes a recent battle at a mosque where what seems to be already wounded people are shot and killed to make sure they're dead.

It's something I disagree with sitting in my chair at home, but I can't even begin to imagine being a 19 yr old in a country where a lot of people are wanting your death. I'd be pretty trigger happy as well.

August 16, 2002


kip this entry if you don't like hearing about conspiracy theories and/or world events in your blogging.

Ok, now that I got that out of the way. :) I did my occasional reading of and came across this page which basically goes into great detail about the supposed Israeli spy ring operating in the US and basically ends up saying they (Israel) were actually behind the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

If you want to continue reading, click on 'more' below...

Continue reading "whatreallyhappened?" »

July 11, 2002

Free slurpees (except for the province of Quebec)

Apparently today is free slurpee day at 7-11 since today is 7/11.

Of course, they have to have it on a day when I've got a sore throat and shouldn't be drinking slurpees.

Anyway, for those of you who don't have sore throats and don't live in Quebec (sorry Matt!) go grab yourself a free slurpee!

July 3, 2002

Do you see all the people sinking down, don't you care? are you gonna let them drown?

Bono on the crisis in Africa and the North American Evangelical church's (of which FGCC is one) response

"I mean, what is going on with the churches? It is incredible. I tell these evangelicals in the United States there are 2,300 verses of scripture about the poor. It's the central message outside of personal redemption, the idea of dealing with the poor. And I'm asking them, where are they? Where are they on this? On a recent poll of evangelical churches, only six per cent said they wanted to do something about AIDS. It is unbelievable, the leprosy of our time if you like. " - from the site

June 11, 2002

Two sides to every story, and sometimes three

There's a lot of interesting reading floating around the net in the wake of the arrest of Jose Padillo in connection with 'dirty bombs' being planned for the states. I'm sure you can find plenty of conspiracy theories on your own, but something I find interesting about it all is this:

Regardless of what's really happening, that alone just makes everything look slimy.

BTW if you enjoy some good conspiracy theories, check out the site where I grabbed this info from: Just remember there's at least two sides to every story. Be sure to check out this article as well.