
April 9, 2007

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We're all moved in to the new (to us) house - getting settled in. Unpacking boxes, rearranging furniture, and re-hanging up all the pictures/mirrors/shelves/etc that I love to hang up on the wall. I'll have pictures up as soon as Shaw comes to set up the interweb in our house.

March 16, 2007

Sweep the Leg

For all the Karate Kid fans out there.

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February 27, 2007

Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

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Arcade Fire - Intervention on SNL

I'm assuming this one will probably disappear sooner than later.

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February 15, 2007

Ze Frank on V Day

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February 1, 2007

Previously Mentioned 1031 Trailer

Now updated with Flashy goodness.

January 31, 2007


1031 Documentary

Don't mind the ugly website for right now. The important thing is that the trailer is up and ready to be consumed by the masses. Go see what all the fuss is about.

January 15, 2007

Demetri Martin vs Vista

Demetri Martin

Demetri Martin (of the Daily Show, now with his own Comedy Central special) is part of this viral/promo for Windows Vista. It doesn't do much to promote Vista, other than I just talked about it in my blog entry. Watch and enjoy - you'll laugh and cry at the same time.

December 12, 2006

Ze's Advice on Christmas Gifts

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December 5, 2006

Random Sports Highlight

Football player hurdles defender.

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November 28, 2006

Thanks for Reading My Blog Mom

(via (Direct Link for RSS Readers.

November 27, 2006

How to Scrabble

November 24, 2006

5to9: The Trilogy (Thus Far)

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November 16, 2006

God's Gonna Cut You Down

August 30, 2006

Microsoft Training Videos by 'The Office UK'

The Office

Matthew found a couple of great training/corporate videos that Microsoft had Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (creaters of 'The Office' in the UK, now in it's 3rd season Americanized) do.

Part 1:

Part 2:

August 3, 2006

Talladega Nights - Drive It Like You Stole It!

I'm sure there's people who can't stand Will Ferrell, but I find him hilarious. He could be reading recipies and I'd be crying laughing.

June 9, 2006

5to9: Year 3

5to9 Year 3

Click the image to watch the latest and greatest.

Or play catchup first: Year 2, Year 1.

June 8, 2006

World Cup... Scotland

1 more day..

June 7, 2006

World Cup... Sick Days

June 6, 2006

World Cup...

Starting Friday...

May 30, 2006

U2 As The Godfather Family

From an industry party back when Joshua Tree came out. Bizarre. Worth watching just to hear the Edge laugh like a sheep.

May 28, 2006

Goodbye Travis...

We had a little bit of a goodbye party for Travis on Friday since he's not helping out with Jr High anymore. I put together a little video for it - it kinda came off like he had died or something... and maybe a little part of him has. (sniffle) Hahaaha.

Click the image to watch the video.

Goodbye Travis

April 19, 2006

Tha Real Deal - Blazen Hazen

Blazen Hazen - "When you BLAZE like I do, you burn like an inferno."

Snagged from Carlos.

March 13, 2006

Marketing to Google

Seth Godin Blog

Interesting presentation from Seth Godin to Google on the stories behind marketing a product. Make something worth talking about.

March 4, 2006

Real Life Simpsons

A 'real life' version of The Simpsons intro. It looks to be from England as Marge is on the "wrong" side of the car, but other than that it looks pretty spot on.

February 27, 2006

MySpace Fakesters

An oldie (relatively speaking) but a goodie:

MySpace Fakesters from the Jon Stewart show.

February 16, 2006

Ferrell Day: Burgundy Application, Harvard Speech, New Trailer

Ron Burgundy applies for ESPN. - 2003 Harvard College Class Speech. Fastforward to around 1:30.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby trailer.

February 6, 2006

Tell Me Why...

This was a popular video on the retreat this past weekend. They're old in internet 'lore' but new to a lot of the kids that were there.

The echos that the guy on the left does kill me everytime.

January 31, 2006

More Pugly Stuff

January 19, 2006

Hooked On David Hasselhoff

Is it any wonder he's so popular in Germany?

January 3, 2006

Top 50 Videos of 2005

As decided by this guy on a blog.

December 13, 2005

Matteo on Laughing Gas

Trying out a little service called to do some video sharing.

December 1, 2005

The New Gap

Watch the commercial from Spike Jonze first.

At first it looks like something we've all dreamed of doing.. taking a sledge hammer to your nearest Gap store. But then it turns out to just be an ad for... wait for it... the NEW Gap: Now With Higher Prices. How exciting.

October 7, 2005

Perfect Timing for a New Job

I've always wanted to get involved in video production in some fashion - and it turns out Al-Qaida is looking for some video production/web design folks to help with their terror campaign.

Hey, you gotta start somewhere right? How would that look on the resume as you hand it to your next employer.