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February 28, 2007



I may have an invite to give out to join Joost. Send me an email if you're interested.

February 27, 2007

Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

Direct link for RSS readers.

Arcade Fire - Intervention on SNL

I'm assuming this one will probably disappear sooner than later.

Direct Link for RSS Readers

February 26, 2007

The Areas of My Expertise


It's your last day to get a free (as in legal) copy of John Hodgman's audio book 'The Areas of my Expertise' from the iTunes Music Store. Click here to go grab it.

February 23, 2007


Obsoleteness is in the Mind:

I will be there to get one of the first iPhones in June with the other iPhone fans, but when October rolls around and these iPhone users around me get angry because the 20 gig iPhone launches, remember, these people are making themselves obsolete, not Steve Jobs.
Take some responsibility for yourselves people and stop pointing the Finger of Obsoleteness at others.

The plaque on my teeth is about to become obsolete. I have to go to the dentist. Ugh.

February 15, 2007

Ze Frank on V Day

Direct link for RSS readers.

February 12, 2007

The Future of Chairs

From the future of GUIs to the future of sitting:

Direct link for RSS readers.

The Future of User Interfaces

The way you use Windows or Mac computers is called a GUI (Graphical User Interface). This is the next generation, currently somewhat implemented in the new iPhone from Apple, though not to this degree:

Updated: That video was causing havoc with my site. Just go view the direct link below.

Direct link for RSS readers.

February 7, 2007

Gmail Open to Everyone

Google's gmail is now apparently open to anyone and everyone, no longer requiring an invite. Gmail combined with using the Firefox web browser (see link below to go grab Firefox) is really the cat's pjamas. Google has a whole set of nice plugins, including one to sync your bookmarks/favorites, browsing history and passwords across multiple computers. So you can take all your info with you wherever you go and just login using your gmail account.

North Korea

It is not exagerated to say that North Korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world. It is also the last under Stalinian regime. Here, the cult of personality, first of Kim Il Sung and now of his son Kim Jong Il, has reached unprecedented levels.

No country, no regime, past or present, has ever conceived such an environnement of ubiquitous propaganda, not even those who instigated or experienced the marxist-leninists revolutions of the last century. Not even Nazi Germany.

Photographs by Philippe Chancel.

February 6, 2007

Steve Jobs Blogs His Thoughts on Music Distribution

Jobs on Music

Apple is under pressure from European consumer groups to open up the iTunes music store digital rights management (DRM), Papa Steve turns it back on the music companies, 2 and a half of which are owned by European companies, and says that if it wasn't for the music companies Apple would have gladly sold un-DRM'd music. Interesting read if any of this is interesting to you.

February 5, 2007

Back on the Block

The iBook auction I had put up on ebay was an exercise in frustration - the winning bidder first said s/he didn't have a paypal account but was setting it up. Then s/he said they didn't have the money to cover the auction. Luckily s/he agreed to cover my listing expenses - so I'm only out the time/frustration of having to list it all over again. Which I did - iBook ebay auction #2. Bid away!

February 2, 2007

The Machine Is Us/ing Us

Direct link for RSS readers. Via stirman.net.

February 1, 2007

Previously Mentioned 1031 Trailer

Now updated with Flashy goodness.

Boston Gripped By Fear of Advertising Campaign


I think the people in Boston have seen one too many Tim Burton movies - or really are afraid of anything that moves. Check this out. An advertising campaign for a TV show consisting of 14 LED boards like the one pictured above were placed around Boston and the folks there figured (logically) that it was a bomb plot. Brilliant.

As they (the police, security officials and politicians) communicated among themselves, they quickly determined there were numerous light boards of identical design distributed throughout the city. "It had a very sinister appearance," Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley told reporters. "It had a battery behind it, and wires."