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Latest, Greatest Top End Mac

Mac Pro

I don't think I've done this for the new Mac Pros - where I torture myself by seeing what the most expensive Mac you can build for yourself given unlimited funds. I'm watching some Apple Sales Training videos on the Mac Pro so while they talk, I'm pricing out my dream machine.

Mac Pro Pricing

It's about $6,000 cheaper than the last G5 wishlist I had done. The memory they are using is FB-DIMM w/ECC (error correction) so it's more expensive but better memory than the Powermac G5's used, and maxes out at 16GB of RAM. You can now get up to 2 terrabytes of storage (2,000GB) inside the machine. Crazy stuff. There's also two 30" cinema displays along with the $1,800 NVidia Quadro FX graphics card. I wouldn't really want/need this kind of video hardware, but it's fun to dream.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 20, 2006 10:28 AM.

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