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Flickr Adds GPS/Mapping Support

Flickr Map in Organizer

Flickr has added the ability to say where your pictures were taken. This is terrible news to a stats geek like me because now I have to go back and enter in all the places my pictures were taken. Luckly Flickr makes it really easy to do through the organizer (pictured above).

So on this picture in my flickr photostream, scroll down and on the right hand side you can see where it was taken (if you're one of my friends/family - a little bit of security added via an option to decide who can see where your pictures were taken). Click the (map) option and you should see a pop-up something like this:

Mapping on Flickr

You can then check out other pics from the same area by me or by anybody. Neat!

Update: Wow. In 24 hours, 1.2 million flickr photos were geotagged. That's a pretty decent rate of adoption by users.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 29, 2006 4:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Microsoft Training Videos by 'The Office UK'.

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