Apple is hiring a campus rep for the Univ. of Saskatchewan - if you're interested or know someone who is, send them my way. Part time, should be a student, great Apple perks and decent money.
Send me an email if you're interested.
« Look Out... | Main | Talladega Nights - Drive It Like You Stole It! »
Apple is hiring a campus rep for the Univ. of Saskatchewan - if you're interested or know someone who is, send them my way. Part time, should be a student, great Apple perks and decent money.
Send me an email if you're interested.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2006 1:17 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Look Out....
The next post in this blog is Talladega Nights - Drive It Like You Stole It!.
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