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Gone for 10 Days...

Splash 2006 Team

Away for 10 days from phone, internet, TV and newspapers:

  • 440 new emails - I'm guessing 20 of those are actual 'important' emails

  • 930 unread items in Netnewswire. I'll probably skim/skip most of those

  • 1 message on our answering machine.

  • 1 bottle of PH balancing solution in our mailbox. We have no idea where this came from.

  • Bills and assorted other boring 'real' mail.

  • A couple of pre-made meals and two bags of buns from parents of youth - awesome!

  • 1 cold (nearly beaten!)

  • 2 hours of video footage to be edited.

  • 252 digital pictures.

All in all, an amazing week up in Pierceland with our annual Splash trip. Each time I do something like this, it makes it harder and harder to go back to the selfish, money driven world of my 'real' job. Good thing I took an extra day off to decompress. :) Now, back to those emails.

Comments (1)

Markio [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Welcome home brave Sir Robin.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2006 5:41 PM.

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The next post in this blog is It's the Year of the Dyck.

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