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iWeb On Multiple Macs


Curious, as I was, as to how to use iWeb with multiple Macs? The .Mac blog has the answer:

A number of .Mac members have written in, asking if it’s possible to publish their iWeb sites from more than one Mac. It is, and it takes just a few simple steps. There are three things you’ll need: iWeb 1.1 installed on every Mac from which you plan to publish, some type of external storage to which you always have access (a folder on your iDisk, for example), and a basic knowledge of how to navigate the Finder.

When you create a website with iWeb, all your work is saved in a single file called domain.sites (it might appear simply as “domain” on your computer, but it’s the same file). By default, iWeb stores the file in the iWeb folder located inside the Application Support folder in your Library (Users/username/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites).

All you need to do is quit iWeb (if it’s open), locate the domain.sites file, and move it to wherever you’re going to use it. Then double-click the file in its new location. iWeb will launch, and you’re done. From then on, iWeb will automatically save your work in the new location, and you’ll be able to publish your site from any Mac that has access to it. Who knows, it could be the start of your global web publishing empire.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2006 12:07 PM.

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