The Revolution Is No More
Nintendo's next generation console was previously code-named 'Revolution' but it has now been renamed 'Wii' - as in 'we'. A quick poll of the office here found 3 people who thought 'Revolution' was a better name.
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Nintendo's next generation console was previously code-named 'Revolution' but it has now been renamed 'Wii' - as in 'we'. A quick poll of the office here found 3 people who thought 'Revolution' was a better name.
Echo Bay, Sunset
Originally uploaded by iChris.
Whole bunch of pics available here from our recent vacation at a friend's cabin on Echo Bay if you're interested.
I get asked this a lot so I thought I'd post it here to remember:
Places Within Saskatchewan to Take Used/Old Computers:
Try Computers for Kids - wil take 400Mhz computers or faster, and they claim to recycle older equipment. Call 975-3955.
or Computers for Schools (run by the SaskTel Pioneers) - working Pentium III (or better) - call 931-5625.
The province in theory will have a computer (and peripherals) recycling program in place this year, probably in the fall. It will expand in time to cover other electronics (ex. TVs will be added in 2007), so if you have storage space for old stuff, please try to hang on to it a little longer.
Blazen Hazen - "When you BLAZE like I do, you burn like an inferno."
Snagged from Carlos.
I thought I went through my 'cold' for the season a couple weeks ago - but it looks like that was just the precursor, the warning signs if you will of what was to come. I think I've got the cold/flu thing that seems to have gone around lately. I was feeling pretty smug last week thinking "Oh, that sounds bad. Yep, I've already gone through it though... all the best with that."
It seems to start off with nauseousness where it feels like you're going to throw up but never do, and that's accompianied by feeling sore and stiff as if you've done a tremendous amount of work when all you've done is sit around feeling nauseous. That's where I'm at after day 1.
I started popping the ColdFX tonight so we'll see whether I start down the congestion/nasally/sore throat of day two tomorrow.
Google Calendar is out in beta form (of course). Haven't had a chance to play but it looks pretty slick at first glance - like most things Google.
Matteo y su primero "Easter Bunny"
Originally uploaded by Jamita.
My nephew Matteo gets to find his first Easter Bunny - with a little help from me.
"Available as a download beginning today, Boot Camp allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac®, and once installation is complete, users can restart their computer to run either Mac OS® X or Windows XP. Boot Camp will be a feature in “Leopard,” Apple’s next major release of Mac OS X, that will be previewed at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference in August."
System Requirements
Boot Camp requires an Intel-based Mac with a USB keyboard and mouse, or a built-in keyboard and TrackPad; Mac OS X version 10.4.6 or later; the latest firmware update; at least 10GB of free space on the startup disk; a blank recordable CD or DVD; and single-disc version of Windows XP Home Edition or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
You should see a new update for Mac OS X (10.4.6) available in your Software Update (found under the 'Apple' along the top menu bar of OS X) today. As usual, read the deets before upgrading in case something may change that you don't want to. This particular update includes some important iSync info that you'll want to check out if you sync your Mac up with a phone/PDA.
This is very tempting for the next time I fly anywhere for longer than a few hours. I don't fly that often so it's not something I could really justify - but I hate - hate - trying to sleep on a plane.
Also, kudos to the SkyMall people for getting a real person in their ad. This guy looks like someone you'd actually end up sitting beside on a plane, he's just missing the drool slowly sliding down his face.
Wet Shoes Are Dangerous
Originally uploaded by iChris.
I honestly had no idea. I'm so glad I learned about how dangerous wet shoes are. Thanks KG Bowl!