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Kings of the Beach

Our beach volleyball team took out the top team last night in our league. They were undefeated at 14-0 and we were 9 and 5. It took 3 games but we came out with the 'W'. I think it was really because our team came together and worked together as a team, gave 110%, worked it out in the trenches, disciplined ourselves by not taking unneccesary penalties, and kept our eyes on the prize.

I'm really proud of the way our guys hung in there. We were really on our game. We knew what we had to do and went out and did it. It's always tough to win in a hostile environment. This was a real confidence booster. We're going to use this win as a building block. You know, everyone counted us out before the season started. This team has overcome a lot of adversity, showed a lot of resiliency. Our fans were the 7th man today.

Give the other team a lot of credit, they're tough competitors. We beat a very good team today.

Speaking of beach volleyball, be sure to catch the Huntington Beach Open this weekend on NBC at 2:30 on Saturday and Sunday.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 12, 2005 9:54 AM.

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