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Vehicle Shopping

We've started (again) looking at getting a newer vehicle. It's hard to get the motivation to look around because I really don't like kicking the proverbial tires on vehicles and there really isn't anything wrong with our Sunfire.

Here's our current shopping list of vehicles we've looked at - feel free to give me your feedback either in the comments here or on flickr. [Update: Deleted the pics since we purchased something] There's still a Subaru Outback we want to take a look at. I'm really partial to the Pathfinder/Xterra type vehicle - that's probably the country-hick living deep inside me coming out.


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Comments (5)

Jer [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Or the soccer mom.

ichris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Ouch - that cuts deep. I could see that if we were looking at a minivan but you think a Pathfinder is soccer mom territory?

Having driven Bruce & Lisa's minivan when we looked after their kids, it makes for a tempting purchase in that you can haul a lot of people and/or gear around pretty easily. But there's no way I want to be driving a minivan around - I'd have to beat myself up! :)

the SUV is the vehicle of choice for soccer moms.

i say forester.. go subaru or go home. (this from a guy that drives a colt)

ichris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Funny you should say that - I just went and took a Subaru Outback for a test drive over lunch. It's a '98 but it wouldn't break the bank to do that "upgrade" from our sunfire. Tempting.

Jer [TypeKey Profile Page]:

I'm partial to the SUV type vehicles as well, practicality is a good thing. Marie and I took her parents' minivan on our honeymoon to BC and I must say I was quite impressed with how handy it was.

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