Congratulations to Mark and Susana
Originally uploaded by markio.
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Originally uploaded by markio.
Dwayne Harms is a pastor in the city who is one of the few pastors I've met who honestly cares about each person he comes in contact with - you can feel it when he looks at you. He's someone who's not afraid to ask the deep questions of faith and life without knowing where the answers will take him.
We got word last week that he had been disagnosed with serious liver and lung cancer and that it's not looking too good. When he first found out he decided to set up a blog to write and document his journey and battle with cancer. You can read it here but be prepared for a heavy dose of reality, not the usual selfish drivel that fills up most blogs (mine included) these days.
If you're the praying kind, send up a prayer for him and his family as you read.
Sometimes you get locked into a cycle of getting up, going to work, coming home, doing stuff, dreaming about getting stuff, going to sleep.. repeat. I got out of that cycle when we went to Australia but it's very easy to fall back into it as I have in the months since returning home. Reading his blog is one of those moments that slaps you back to reality.
Today's Penny Arcade hits a little close to home.
A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by anxiousdog.
Got my invite today. I still don't really get podcasting as far as how people find the time to listen to others babble? I guess if you're the type of person who can listen to radio talk shows and work at the same time, this isn't much different. But I find if I have someone yakking in my ear I can't concentrate on what I'm working on.
But as a audio geek the whole idea of it is intriguing.
Scott Andrew, a indie type internet musician, is offering up one of his songs to prospective music video makers out there to film/edit/design a video for his song. The best one (in his opinion) wins a iPod shuffle.
Think I'll give it a try if I have time to do it. Take a listen to the song and offer any suggestions.
The commercial for The Institute for Backup Trauma - video featuring John Cleese
I keep trying other colors, but I still find black text on white to be the easiest to read - so I went back to it (for now).
Whaddya think?
Driving the new Outback
Originally uploaded by iChris.
Woohoo.. it's finally ours! :)
Well we did it. It still hasn't sunk in that anything has happened, but we put a deposit down to hold a 2000 Subaru Outback. It had a lot less km than the '98 model we'd looked at earlier and it's got a lot of the things we were looking for in a Outback that the other one didn't. We made them an offer that we didn't really think they'd take but it was all we could afford and they took it - so now we've bought ourselves a car! The only problem is we think it's the same color scheme as Troy and Heather's car - so hopefully we can still be friends when they get back from tree planting this summer.
We won't actually get it until next week sometime but I'm really looking forward to it. It won't really sink in until the car is in our garage I think. Time to set up my Subaru owners blog.
We've started (again) looking at getting a newer vehicle. It's hard to get the motivation to look around because I really don't like kicking the proverbial tires on vehicles and there really isn't anything wrong with our Sunfire.
Here's our current shopping list of vehicles we've looked at - feel free to give me your feedback either in the comments here or on flickr. [Update: Deleted the pics since we purchased something] There's still a Subaru Outback we want to take a look at. I'm really partial to the Pathfinder/Xterra type vehicle - that's probably the country-hick living deep inside me coming out.
missing angel?
Originally uploaded by caro.
This is wrong for so many reasons. Don't stare at it too long - you're likely to turn to stone.
This is how I snagged the RSS feed from my links (seen on the right column, down a bit).
[Geeky Explanation] is basically a site that collects links. I see a website I want to remember/make note of, I click a bookmark in my browser and describe the link and it gets added to my link site. That site generates a RSS feed of the last 10 links I've snagged which this blog grabs and converts it to a blog/web friendly format.
Christian comics from days gone by. My parents wouldn't let me buy these - comics are of the devil don't you know?
Going Under
Originally uploaded by DYFL.
Just another day in a cab in New York.
Carlos brought up a oldie but a goodie for quick breaks from work - create yourself in Southpark.
matteo 003
Originally uploaded by Jamita.
We bought Matteo a Koala in Australia and Sally brought it down to Mazatlan recently - now Matteo's got it. Although he doesn't look very happy about it. Or maybe he's just got some gas.
I think this will be my last post on this (for now anyway) and it comes from this blog and it is what I found most interesting about the big announcement as well:
The most impressive part of the announcement (for me anyway) was that the long-fabled Marklar turned out to be true. This was the code name for a secret workshop in the basement of Cupertino where shadowy developers maintained x86 builds of OS X just in case Apple ever needed to throw the switch.Now, think about that for a moment -- to use (an admittedly cliche) car analogy, this was the equivalent of an auto maker producing alternate versions of their engines, keeping them tuned, bug free and optimized, and locking them away in storage. Or from a web developer's perspective, producing two, complete, functioning versions of a web site, and only using one online.
But we're talking about a full blown operating system here, and all the internal applications produced for it. Microsoft can't seem to get a single version of Longhorn out the door for one platform, while Apple has released multiple versions of OS X for two platforms? That's not just incredible, it's stunning. I can only imagine how vindicated and proud Apple's x86 team must feel.
Well, maybe it's not quite that dramatic - but Apple has announced that they will be using Intel based CPU chips in the future - by June, 2006 and fully switched over by 2007. Nothing really that earth shattering to the average user, or even most power users. Apple has been running a version of OS X on Intel CPUs for 5 years now so it's not a recent idea. Obviously some code will have to be rewritten/recompiled but the whole keynote today was run on a Intel based Mac so obviously they're pretty ready for this. They also switched platforms once before when OS 9 came out so it's something they've done in the past.
The main reason for the switch is simply that IBM hasn't been able to deliver on processors in both speed (GHz/Mhz) and quantity as well as putting their G5 chips in laptops. It'll be interesting to see how performance is using Intel based CPUs and how it will affect the whole Mac vs. PC argument now that they're running on the same platform.
Out of nowhere - reports that Apple is switching to Intel chips as soon as Monday.
This has been a recurring rumor for years now and while this time around it seems to have a bit more meat to it, I still think it's just Apple's way of playing hardball with IBM to work harder at getting faster processsors out there. (Apple's G5 chip is made by IBM, most of their G4 chips found in portables and the Mac mini are made by Motorola) I'm sure Steve Jobs is tired of trying to defend the whole GHz myth.
Most rumor sites are pointing to bumped up iPod shuffles (2 or 4GB versions) and that's about it. Either way, it should be an interesting WWDC on Monday.
It's worth scrolling through just for the pictures - but the write up the guy has for each album is what had us crying at work: 10 Worst Album Covers of All Time (not for everyone's tastes).
I don't know how to write this without it sounding creepy, but here goes. They've released a Sims 2 Character creation utility in advance of the game coming out later this month for the Mac.
This entry is here for one person and one person only - but he's probably (hopefully?) too embarrased to admit he's waiting for the Sims 2 to arrive that he won't acknowledge this entry with a comment.
Vertigo Tour: Philadelphia
Originally uploaded by
U2 have been playing '40' on this tour again for the first time in around 15 years. And they're doing it the way they used to, with Adam and Edge swapping instruments.
I'm not sure what the history behind that was, it's not like the bass line is that hard or anything for Adam to play.
I've been watching ebay for tickets to their Montreal show in November but they're all way too expensive right now. - from a maker of herbal, caffeine free coffee of course so take it with a grain of salt... or a cup of coffee. [Ba Dum-Bum-Ching]
While it hasn't improved _that_ much, I can say that I'm making progress over my earlier efforts in Flash creation. I did a new intro "clip" for the site. The youth room is painted a similair color with different colored blocks on it. I also used Flash to create a little banner on We also use it at work on our site to advertise various specials/etc.
I still haven't mastered the art of creating a complete website in flash - one that takes 5 minutes to load and has lots of techno muzak and fancy widgets flying every which way whenever you move your mouse. I'll have to take the "Crappy Website Design in Flash" course.
Rainy day here (week?) here in Saskatoon so not much to do but play games and wish we were back in Australia. Oh wait, it rained lots there too.
Speaking of Australia, we got our photo book back from Apple/iPhoto and it looks great. Slick and easy. It's like scrapbooking for people who hate scrapbooking. You don't end up paying much more (sometimes less) if you factor in printing out all your pictures and paying for a photo album. The biggest drawback is that it takes a couple weeks to get and usually you want to show off your pictures as soon as you get home.