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Still Alive

We're still alive - just haven't really been on the old internet too much. Byron Bay has tons of free high speed internet in the form of backpacker/travel arrangment places that try and get you to book your travel arrangmenets with them - but you can just ignore them and use the free internet.

I tried my hand at surfing for the first time yesterday. It was a blast but tons of work. It's a little like skiing in that you have 10 seconds of fun after 5 minutes of "work" to get out to where you can try and surf. Boogie boarding is still the preferred mode of wave riding for me so far, but surfing definitely has more options for fun.

We're just over half way through our vacation and with each day it makes it harder and harder to remember regular life back home. Sometimes I think it'd be easier to just pull out of life for awhile and stay down here - definitely more fun and my surfing would really improve rather than in Saskatchewan. Speaking of Saskatchewan, hope all my Apple peeps back home have booked their copy of Tiger from their friendly neighborhood computer store.

Just pipe dreaming. Gotta run and find a hostel to stay at in Sydney.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 24, 2005 12:15 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Travelling Down Under.

The next post in this blog is New Baby in Family.

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