An amazingly well done computer animated Batman short done in the style of LEGO. Featuring the voice of the original Batman, Adam West. Something to get you excited for the new Batman movie coming.
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An amazingly well done computer animated Batman short done in the style of LEGO. Featuring the voice of the original Batman, Adam West. Something to get you excited for the new Batman movie coming.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 13, 2005 5:19 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Everybody Dance Now.
The next post in this blog is Google-X.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
Comments (1)
Ohh, I'm so disappointed that you beat to me to a Batman cartoon scoop - ouch! I'll get you next time :)) Mwa ha ha
Posted by royalchinook
March 14, 2005 8:58 AM
Posted on March 14, 2005 08:58