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Sleeping iPod shuffle

Sleeping iPod shuffle
Originally uploaded by iChris.

I've turned Sue into such a geek.


Comments (3)

wow chris - you are a motivation to all of us geeks who (for some really stupid reason) want our girlfriends to also be geeks instead of the cool people that they used to be before technology. well, it certainly is easier to say 'google it yourself', than it is to do it myself. I guess it's just another way i'm making my life easier!

That's exactly what happened to me! Going to sleep with the shuffle. I wonder what % of people in Saskatoon will own an iPod by the end of 2005.

ichris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

I'm thinking that everyone should. Really, it's more important than food or shelter. An iPod is right up there with water in terms of basic survival needs.

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