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Woopsy Daisy

Well I had my first system meltdown in my 3+ years working on macs. I'm not sure what happened exactly but somehow my keychain (the thing that stores all your passwords/logins for websites and other programs) got wiped out as well as various apps (Mail, iChat, Newsfan) just wouldn't start.

What's really slick is that I had just done a backup using, aptly named Backup, and so I just had to reinstall the OS, install some programs and then fire up Backup and restore all my mail settings, mailboxes, internet bookmarks and history, preferences for _all_ the programs I had installed, my photos, documents, etc.

If I'd been really serious about backup, I could've been using Carbon Copy Cloner which is a free OS X app that makes an image of your hard drive that you can use to put absolutely everything back where it came from. I used that when I upgraded Powerbooks a few months ago and it works very slick.

One more reason to love using a Mac. :)

(Disclaimer: Yes there's probably something like this on/for WinXP. I think it's only on XP Pro.)


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Comments (1)

caro [TypeKey Profile Page]:

wow chris, you really are the Mac-Daddy aren't you? well, the closest person I know to qualifying anyway! I was just thinkiing about the whole backing up thing – I have yet to purchase a USB drive but know I need to for files; have been uploading important files (assignments) to various web locations where I have some storage but was thinking about all the other things on my computer that I would lose if my computer crashed for some reason. When I started to read this post I was very sad for you but wow, good thing you copied things . . .

Gonna look into that cloner thing too . . . thanks!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 20, 2005 11:24 PM.

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