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Macworld SF 2005

Update: The stream of the keynote is available now. Click here to avoid having to read my summary.

Steve Jobs is giving the big 'reality distortion field' speech right now, but Apple decided to not stream it live from the stage so you'll have to wait until tonight to get your fill.

There's lots of sites doing text updates. Here's what's gone down so far:

  • Demo of Tiger (new version of OS X coming out sometime in first half of 2005)
  • Quicktime 7 demo.
  • iChat in Tiger demo - up to 4 people can video conference.
  • Apparently 2005 is the year of HD (high definition). Final Cut Express HD coming out with Livetype and Soundtrack (yay!)
  • New version of iLife - iLife '05.
  • iPhoto 5 will support RAW, more than 25,000 photos, new editing tools, storing of the video files cameras save
  • iMovie 5 - new transitions and effects (duh), HD in at 720,
  • iDVD - one step DVD creation, -R, +R, -RW, +RW burning support. Can grab all the footage off a cam and burn it to a dvd in pretty much one click.
  • Garageband 2 - 8 track recording, reatime music notation, pitch timing fixing, create your own loops, vocal tranformer.
  • iWork '05 includes Keynote 2 (10 new apple designed themes, animated text, powerful animated builds, presenter display, interactive slideshows, and self-playing kiosk slideshows), Pages (Supports all the things you'd expect: columns, footnotes, tables of contents, tables and charts, 40 apple designed templates)
  • Mac mini: half as high as an iPod mini (???), 1.25Ghz or 1.4Ghz G4, available end of January, analog and digital video out, firewire, USB2, picture here, or here. No keyboard or mouse included.
  • 4.5 million iPods sold 4th quarter of 2004, 8.2 million sold in 2004.
  • iPod Shuffle - 1 ounce weight, 12 hr battery, USB, user feedback via LEDs, shuffle or a playlist, Autofill, 512MB, $99US, 1GB $149US. picture here.
Updates as they come.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 11, 2005 11:52 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Baby It's Cold Outside.

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