So as some of you know, Sue's sister and brother-in-law live in Australia. As you also may know, Australia is not anywhere near Canada. Further, you may even realize that nobody is offering free teleportation devices to teleport instantly to Australia from Canada.
Which brings us to the fact that in April, we're heading down (via old fashioned aeroplane) to Australia for a month to visit, along with Sue's parents and her other sister and brother-in-law.
I'm filled with excited apprehension. Flying has long since lost it's novelty on me, and especially flying for 20+hrs. But I've never been to Australia and I hear it's a nice place.
In honor of our trip, U2 decided to announce their tour and declare that their only Canadian date thus far will be in Vancouver while we're gone. Stupid rich rock stars. (For any "hardcore" U2 fans that happen by, I realize that the tour is secondary to the illness in the U2 members family)