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Baby It's Cold Outside

Man is it ever cold out there.

Sue's making soup and I'm trying to fight off a cold.

Ever have one of those days where the thoughts in your head don't sound nearly as intelligent when you let them out of your mouth?

The recently announced Mac mini puts all other 'small form factor' computers to shame. Like a lot of Apple product, I have no direct use for it but I still desperately want one.


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Comments (2)

Ryan [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Ok, I just went through the entire process of signing in and allowing Six Apart access to my first-born, only to say... I have those days pretty much every day.

I'm pretty consistent in verbalizing unintelligible sentences, but having a coherent and logical thought process. Perhaps it's a gift... or I'm 'gifted'.

ichris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Only your first born? Mwahaha.. foolish Ryan. Say goodbye to your first dog, first cat, first fish.

And yes you are gifted Ryan. No matter what those kids at school say.

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