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Awkward Office Moment of the Day

Brought to you by The Office.

On hearing that it's Tim's 30th birthday:

David Brent (the boss): Things do change. It could be worse. There's a neighbour of mine, Calvin, he's 32 and he still lives with his parents.
Tim Canterbury: I live with my parents.
David: Cherish them... really. Because you'll miss them when they're not around. Both of mine are dead.
Tim: Oh
David Well, dad isn't... dead. He's in a home. So, as good as.
David: Anyway... he is a vegetable now.. and that's something we all got to look forward to. Happy birthday.


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Comments (3)

kellypeters [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Classic. Actually, there are so many classic moments that the meaning of classic is likely about to change. I had forgotten about that one.

ichris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Welcome back Kelly! And congrats for figuring out how to quote - Troy still hasn't been able to get in. :)

Have you seen the Christmas special? Someone at work dl'ed it here. One of the best written series finales I've seen.

kellypeters [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Don't tell me you watched the finale without watching season 2? I bought the finale for Sarah for Giftmas (selfish gift, I know. It was spur of the moment because I never expected to see it in stores here.) It's been tough to keep it a secret, so say nothing. Probably see you tonight at t+h's.

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