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Anyone out there tried/using zip.ca? It doesn't seem like that bad a deal. Basically commiting to paying $25/month for movie rentals - which I know most of us do that anyway with it being almost $6 each time at the local Blockbuster or whatever. Just curious if there's anyone with any actual experience with how well it works.


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Comments (4)

Hey Chris,

I haven't tried it yet but my bosses have and they swear by it. You get 4 movies out at a time, can keep them for as long as you want and the postage is all pre-paid.

Sounds like a good deal considering they have most of the more "obscure" dvd sets (gi joe, transformers series, dbz etc...) and are readily available.

I've been thinking about signing up but I was trying to get some friends to "co-own" an account and split the bill. I figure even 2 movies per week is pretty good if I split it with someone else ;)

caro [TypeKey Profile Page]:

I looked at VHQ's online service and it sound fairly good too (but am curious to hear from someone who actually uses it too). You pay $19.95/month and get 3 DVD's at a time, all postage is prepaid and right now they have a 2 week free trial offer.

chris [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Hrm.. VHQ hey? $19.95 is cheaper for sure. And 3 DVDs at a time isn't much worse than 4 DVDs at a time. Have to check it out.

And that's not a bad idea to co-own an account.

royalchinook [TypeKey Profile Page]:

i tried out zip.ca for the 2 week demo and it's actually pretty good. My neighbor upstairs gets it and loves it. I'm waiting for blockbuster in Canada to do it because i have a BB just 1 block away and then wouldn't have to wait for postage to go through and I could always pick the ones i want. I'd say give the free demo a run though - it's worth a shot!

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