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Retreating Pastors

We would have some amazing photos from our two day retreat up north at Christopher Lake, but Sue decided it would be a good idea to leave the camera at home in case someone broke in to our place and wanted to leave us a picture of what they took.

Or something like that.

I'm feeling very disjointed right now. The Store has slowed down a bit, but one of my co-workers has left and so there's some extra work for everyone. A plus to it is that now I'm the 'official' Apple guy. Until we hire someone new, all it really means is that there's more work to go around - but hopefully once things settle down I'll be able to focus on work that I enjoy a little more.

HoW band practice tonight and a FGCC practice tomorrow night and somehow I've got to come up with a concept/design for a video/slideshow for Sunday a.m. I love the stuff I get to do, I just wish I had more time for all of it.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 6, 2004 6:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Jr High Fall Retreat 04.

The next post in this blog is Paul's Blogging Again.

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