How does your faith influence your passion, your commitment to these concerns? In response, Bono said, I generally find it very hard to talk to people who can sum up their whole faith in three minutes - the kind of people who bleed all over you.
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How does your faith influence your passion, your commitment to these concerns? In response, Bono said, I generally find it very hard to talk to people who can sum up their whole faith in three minutes - the kind of people who bleed all over you.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 2004 10:21 AM.
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Comments (2)
I understand the first half of what Bono said, but what does the last part mean? Is the bleeding a good thing or bad?
Posted by Will | October 28, 2004 11:10 PM
Posted on October 28, 2004 23:10
I took it to mean that he didn't like being around those type of people - that bleeding was a bad thing. A very good interview that goes along with this quote can be heard here.
Posted by chris | October 28, 2004 11:23 PM
Posted on October 28, 2004 23:23