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September 30, 2004

New Design

Figures when I have the least amount of time is when I decide to redesign my site. This is just a style-sheet from one of those MT style-sheet factories. All props go to the original designer. I'm just a thief.

Something about that background color of #333333 that I keep coming back to though.

September 29, 2004

Setting up OS X for the first time

Setting up OS X for the first time

Originally uploaded by iChris.

Setting up a new iMac is so easy, even my mom can do it herself! That 20" screen makes my 15" powerbook look tiny. :(

September 28, 2004

How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

Originally uploaded by DYFL.

Here's the album cover for U2's new album. The single is up for sale on the iTunes Music store but sadly, no Canadian store available yet.

September 27, 2004

Sims 2

The Sims 2 is out. No sign of a Mac version for some time yet which is probably a good thing. I despise the game on all levels, yet I know that if I got a copy I'd sit and play it for hours straight.

September 24, 2004

Chicks Dig Binary

Everyone's Shocked By The New Watch

Originally uploaded by iChris.

I think the picture speaks for itself. Needless to say, Carlos got a new binary watch for his birthday and now the ladies are swooning.

September 23, 2004

New U2 Song Hits The web

Go get some.

Ultimate Boot CD

For all the nerds out there (waving your Linux penguin like you just don't care) - here's the ulimate boot CD made up for you.

September 20, 2004

Ring My Phone

I broke down and did what I said I'd never do. Buy a cell phone.

And now I've become a ring-tone whore like I knew I would be. 50 Cent's 'In Da Club' makes a really good ring tone... right up there with 'Sweet Caroline' by Neil.

New A/V Room

Finally finished off the new computer/office room (aka Audio Visual Room). I'm still looking for an old '80's style A/V Room sign to put on the door.

Find Yourself Another Fool

I'm still in denial that summer is over. It just doesn't feel like we ever actually got it, ya know? With all the craziness of back to school it feels like it's still the end of August... like I'm stuck in a time warp or something.

Further proof that I've sold my soul (besides all your email addresses) to flickr in the next couple of posts.

Currently grooving on Ben Harper's Diamonds on the Inside. Sometimes the right songs come on iTunes and fits exactly my mood. Usually I go with quick fixes (U2, DMB, Jars, Radiohead) or guilty pleasures (Timberlake... uhm... help me out here). But this Harper album is just what I needed to hear tonight.

September 16, 2004

Do you


September 15, 2004

Vertigo Is Coming


Originally uploaded by Caroline.

How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb is the title, Vertigo is the first single.


My buddy Mark did up a video to intro his leadership team this fall - check it out if you dig '70s music and campy acting.

September 13, 2004

Apple in the Bowl

If you're off work or killing time between classes today, check out the Apple tent set up in the Bowl on campus. The usual propaganda but they brought one of their schweet new displays that everyone's drooling about.

Plus all the free Apple pens, notebooks, flashlights, etc that you can handle.

September 10, 2004


I'm still alive. Watched Supersize Me last night and am on my required 1 week avoidance of McD's. Truth be told I haven't eaten there in quite awhile, and only rarely will I hit up A&W in a moment of desperation on campus. The only fast food joint I have no will to say no to is Wendy's. I don't know if it's red haired girls or square burgers, but something about that place keeps me coming back.

It's crazy nutsy busy time at the U these days. All the retarded first years running around with their gut hanging out of their two sizes too small shirt stopping at the top of the stairs to talk about how "like, I totally couldn't even understand my teacher today... and where do I, like, get my books?" Free pizza from IBM and a bunch of freebies from Sasktel have helped to nurse the rage building inside me.

September 1, 2004

New iMacs

This is probably the best image thus far to give you an idea of how the new iMacs are going to look. Education pricing is something like this.