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Trip to N. Carolina Part 2


Well they were all out of cinnamon buns, but they replaced them with Krispy Kreme donuts instead ñ which maintains our fat level intake just the same. We booked some tickets for the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede 4pm show and then headed out to do some outlet shopping (yee-haw!) Not too bad a shopping day, picked up some taffey, a pair of sandals for myself, sweater for Sue and a birthday gift for someone else.

(Mental note: Saw Settlerís of Catan for $30US, was it a good deal?) By the time we were wiped from shopping, it was time to meet up with Dolly and her stampede. About 1,000 people got shuffled into a small arena and ate dinner together while watching the North (woo!) battle the South (boo!). We ate soup & biscuit, a whole rotisserie chicken, pork loin, potato, corn on the cob and a apple strudel for desert ñ all without utensilsÖ just like they do it in the south apparently. In the end the North, our team, ended up winning 7-3. Just when we were about to relive the war and start wiping out the south for real, Dolly Parton appeared on the screen and reminded us that we were all united as the United States of America and there is no North and South anymore. We all put down our rifles and hugged and agreed not to fight anymore (or at least until the next show at 6:30). After the show, we went for a walk down the street from our hotel and ended up going mini-golfing. We ran into a family from Oklahoma who knew a lot about Canada. The state of Saskatchewan is very cold, full of small people who all deep down inside really think of themselves as Americans. Being that they were from the south and we were from the North, I felt it was my duty to walk 10 paces and shoot them dead on the spot. Sue wouldnít let me. After beating Sue 48-49 in golf, she treated me to some ice cream from the Marble Slab Creamery, similar to Jerryís ice cream with the smash-ins in Sítoon.

The Magnum keeps getting lots of attention from the locals/tourists. Itís kind of making us think that getting this kind of station wagon might not be so bad after all.


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Comments (3)

Lloyd Bennett:

A wagon is the only way to go . . . glad you tested one - you will never go back to a mini van - well actually I never tried one. Station wagons forever!!

We have a Dixie Stampede in Branson, not to mention the outlet malls.... maybe you are really in Missouri and dont' know it!!

I'm pretty sure I knew where we were... but after the flight and time change and eating that whole chicken with my bare hands, I may have gotten confused. :)

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