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Is this Life After All?





Spent the last week up north with a group of youth leading fun camps for 30-40 kids in a small town. Coming home and seeing all the work related emails really has me questioning working at a computer store again. Spending my day finding a really good deal on a computer for someone just doesn't hold the same appeal for some reason.

It's part of coming down from a trip like that, I know, so I'll hold off writing a letter of resignation right now :). It's good to have reminders like this past week has been that there's a whole lot more to life though.


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Comments (2)

If you like working with children, it's never too late for a B. Ed.

Ah I wouldn't say that I really like working with children.. it's just one thing that felt more rewarding than what I'm doing right now is all.

I wasn't really the one in there working with them so much as helping get videos ready, taking pictures, setting up the music, etc. It's just that kids are a lot more forgiving than adults if something isn't quite right. :)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2004 11:19 PM.

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