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Steve Rang My Bell

We went to a Steve Bell concert last night at Ebenezer Church. He brought along his daughter who sang and he had a jazz pianist from The Penny Merchants and a double bass player from the Winnipeg jazz scene. The folky stylings of Steve's music doesn't usually make for a very lively show, but with the piano and double bass it turned out to be an amazing night of music. The piano player was outstanding - tasetful when he needed to be and loud and agressive when the song warranted. A "riff-off" between the piano player and bass player ended when the piano player threw in the theme to Inspector Gadget.

It's always depressing and exciting to watch musicians that inspire you to be better than you are. Depressing because you see how much time you've wasted instead of playing guitar feverishly for 12 hours a day but exciting because you can see what the result would be if you did devote yourself to practicing how much you should.


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Comments (3)

I hear ya Chris. We went to Blue Rodeo the other night and the exact same thought went through my mind. Concerts always make me realize that I need to have more drive and determination. (Well...depending on if the person is good or not)

Aw, and I've been listening to Blue Rodeo lately for some reason - I didn't realize they were in town.

Congrats on the new "coupley" blog! Hope you guys have fun with it.


I saw Steve Bell and his Daughter Just a week ago in Thunder Bay, Ontario. And at one point Steve was talking about the beaty of music and how important it is to share. I've been torn over what i should pursue in my post secondary education, Music, or Social work?
I was inspired by that words that were spoken by the words of Steve. It also opened my eyes that I have a responsibility to spread my passion for music and use it for all of GOd's glory.
I enjoyed that jazziness and improvisations.


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