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Movies and Links

I've got the links working along the top. Nothing really on them yet except for the five2nine: year two video.

For the nerds out there I've basically created 4 seperate blogs (regular blog, music, movies, photos) and am just using a single menu.php file to load the menu system so I don't have to go through and change all the individual index pages each time I want to update the main menu.

The movie page basically takes the movies I've uploaded to my mac.com page and presents them as if they're on my own site. That way the bandwidth is being used up by Apple's servers and yet still looks like a local file. Very nerdy and very cool.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Movies and Links:

» party poker from party poker
You can also check out the pages on texas hold em online casino poker [Read More]

» texas hold em from texas hold em
You may find it interesting to take a look at the sites in the field of pacific poker party poker [Read More]

Comments (2)


Chris have you heard...

March 25 USSU presents an evening with the creators of Homestarrunner, Matt and Mike at louis pub. 7 dollars

Nice - I think I'll have to attend.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2004 12:22 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Steve Rang My Bell.

The next post in this blog is Local Rock Star In Accident.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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