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He Rocked Her World

The Carlos Stalker Issue I mentioned before has prompted 26 comments (at present). It feels a little like high school with lots of anonymous comments floating around which is to be expected on the web. I always find it interesting when people start telling you what you can and can't put up on your own website. We're not talking about porn or military secrets here, it's a friggin love letter on a piece of tie-died paper. Who buys tie-died paper anyways?


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Comments (2)

Not me, I totally put my stalker love letters on my Care Bears stationary.

"the poet":

*tie-dyed paper is just different, it's not that i'm a hippie or anything. besides, what's wrong w/ adding a little colour to things?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2004 11:56 AM.

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