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Happy 28

Panoramic of the room

Tim hit the ancient age of 28 on the weekend and we went by to help him celebrate. I took the picture above using the panoramic function on our camera. It's actually 9 or 10 individual camera shots that made up that one picture. Aside from the freaky Mark face it actually works pretty good. I think I'll have to try it more often, especially if I have a tripod to properly line up the shots.

Digital camera versus old school camera
Friday night we had the guys/girls only night with Jr High. The guys all came over to my parent's place where we played some vids, pool, ping pong and even got into some crokinole. There ended up being about 32 guys who showed up so it got a little crazy trying to keep them all entertained but between the Gamecube, XBox and PS2 we managed.

It's 11:30 and since I slept for a couple of hours this afternoon I'm not tired but I feel like I'm coming down with something. I've been popping the eichinachia today and trying to think healthy thoughts, but I feel like my head's been in a fog all day. Sue's trying to get me to watch Trading Spaces: Home Free... I think I may have to since I'm just going to toss and turn anyway if I try to go to sleep.

Oh, and we've got a girl coming to Mennoboy.com.


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Comments (4)


sounds like mennoboy is crossing gender barriers. who is doing it up? if i was still a blogger, it's mennoboy for life. even though i am doing my own solo thing(as in no blog), i still consider mennoboy my real crew. ain't none higher than the fire on the tire. if you could t-rav to make a blog that would be impressive. maybe you should have him drop some knowledge on the music section.

It's all a mystery. Well, at least until she sends me her site name info.

i've tried to get T-rav in on it but he doesn't seem to be down with posting his thoughts for the world to see. Maybe when we get nomethod.ca going?


yeah, where is that nomethod.ca at anyway?
next practice dedicated to website design?

You want to build us a funky back-end for it - some insane database of all our fans so we can blast them with spam everytime (once a year?) we play?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2004 11:29 PM.

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