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Fill All Your Heart's Desires

I love the pics on this site. There's just something about Dublin that I love. My original reason for heading to Ireland the first time was due to my, er, mild enjoyment of a little rock 'n roll outfit called U2. But the funny thing is, aside from wandering past the Clarence Hotel they own I never did any of the U2 touristy things. I fell in love with the rest of the country and didn't even hit up Windmill Lanes where they recorded a lot of their albums. I kind of regret that now that they have (or will be) tearing the studio down.

Ah well, I'll still have the memories of sitting in the back of a van on an empty keg being driven around Dublin by a drunk old Irishman, eventually ending up at The Wicked Wolf packed full of people all singing U2 tunes at the top of their lungs.


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Comments (2)


U2 = Bestest Band Ever! Man I love thier stuff.. I was beginning to think I was the only fan left in N. America. Oh well.. rock on man!

Naw, over on u2log.com over half our visitors are from the U.S. so you're not the only one. :)


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