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Just to update anyone wondering, the server my blog was hosted on crashed and lost everything I had put up in the last year or so. Don't feel sorry for me though, I should've been doing backups. It's the same thing as opening an email that says "Here's a sweet screensaver!" with an attachment titled "annakornikova.exe".

So since I have to rebuild, I'm going to start from the ground up and redesign and incorporate a photo section now that we've got a digital camera.

In the meantime, go get a song sung for you and play a game of smack the penguin.

Comments (6)


I was wondering what was going on. I figured you'd just had enough of my stupid comments on your blog. :D

Your text isn't conforming to my window. Conform, dang you, conform!


I can't believe they didn't have a backup. You should get into some litigation.

try being one of the underlings that just gets to sit and wait for things to straighten out. ah well, we'll all be back soon i'm sure.


you got a digital camera? which one did you get?

Canon Powershot A80. I think I told you that cuz we got it back at Christmas.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 25, 2004 8:22 AM.

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The next post in this blog is What's going on?.

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