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Battle Wrap Up

Keep on rockin in the free world
Update: The other bands didn't suck quite enough. We lost out to Postlude and Unknown Reason. Considering we had the marketability of a wet rock, I'm not too surprised. ;)

We came, we saw, we left early cuz the other bands sucked. More Pics Here

Well, that's not totally true. We only stayed for the next two bands and then split. It was a fun first time out for this crew as a whole and hope to play again. In a way not having a soundcheck and plugging in to an amp I'd never seen before tonight was a bit refreshing and we knew, aside from how we played, we had very little control over what we ended up sounding like.

You can check out a video clip here. The distortion is from the mic on the camera, not your speakers so don't worry.

Now begins our 'eastern mysticism period' where we experiment with drugs and use lots of sitars.

Sitar man


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Comments (5)


now, if you would get me to introduce you guys at shows we could get you even further. then i might not need a ticket which meant i missed half of the first song because i had to run back home dude to my forgetfullness.


i know you will appreciate this

That's hilarious.. http://www.lilgnr.com/lil_gnr_auditions.mov and just a little bit creepy.

Where the hell are the scissor kicks? Hello!?

Dualing guitar solos?

Somewhere during the show I expect someone slid accross the stage on their knees while riffing right?



anybody remember the sideways headbanging. that's right. there was(and is) the classic forward headbang and the roundabout headbang(only for the heaviest metal)but for the real lame stuff you needed poofy hair to do this one.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2004 11:49 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Blog Design Sux.

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