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June 28, 2002

Free stuff, free games and a long weekend

No "Friday Funny" ô picture today, but just some good fun web wanderings:

If you like R.E.M. and haven't got this already, they're giving away 10 remixes (though it's actually only 6 different songs) on their website.

To get in the whole world cup spirit, check out Ultimate Soccer Showdown (some flash req'd).

Two ebay auctions for the person that has everything. First is Christopher Walken's suit from Suicide Kings, size large for anyone interested. Also, you can get yourself your own Sony Jumbotron - I know I could use one in my basement.

June 26, 2002

Da Da Da Da (sung to the them of Here Comes The Bride)

Well it seems jolly 'ole England was very good to Lindsay. As you can read below, he got himself engaged there. The lucky girl is Christine Jennings.

So send your congratulations off to Linds. They're planning for a June 2003 wedding in England so start saving your pennies and watching for seat sales!

June 25, 2002

I got nuthin

Things have been busy at work and nothing much happening elsewhere so all I got for you today is a little photo. 200 points to the person that can tell me who doesn't belong in this photo (aka who wasn't in the original):

June 24, 2002

Movin on up! (Movin on up!)

Kirk's 'Without Me' parody has been climbing the charts - well the mp3.com parody charts anyways. Saturday he was at number 12 and Sunday he hit number 6.

It sounds impressive, but it's actually only taken 15 and 16 qualified plays (the way mp3.com rates your song) to get to that spot and the song has been ranked 7976 and 5529 in overall performance on mp3.com.

So only 5529 more to go to number one!

June 21, 2002

M&M makes for good music

Kirk's version of 'Without Me' by Eminem is up on the Wedding Singers mp3.com site for your listening, er, pleasure? He drops some fly shouts out to Pastor Abe Klassen (A to the Klizzo) and Pastor Bruce Enns (B-radicaly Uce) - see if you can pick them out.

In 'What's For Lunch' news, I'm headed to Bro's on 3rd Ave for pizza lunch with Markio today. It's a horrible restaurant with crappy service but one heck of a great pizza sauce. Just be sure to put your order in as soon as you get there, unless you've got a few hours to spare.

Also, you can access this page another way now (so you don't have to remember the whole long address), only it won't work if I take my laptop away from work. At any rate, you can also get here using enns.usask.ca. Of course, by the time you read this I will have taken my laptop home for the weekend and it won't work - but you get the idea, right?

June 19, 2002

Lego my lego!

Here's something useless to pass time at work (for Matt & Kenton anyway). Design yourself in lego:

We don't have enough cars in the gym! More cars!

I'm sure it started off small, like "Hey, we could throw a couch in the gym and watch a movie" and then grew to "Why not put a few couches in there" and somehow you end up with this:

A literal drive-in movie in the church gym. The kids seemed to have a lot of fun with it which is what really matters. The movie they watched was Extreme Days, a Christian made movie that's actually pretty funny and entertaining in spite of the predictable story and sappy romantic sub-plot. Worth a rental if you're just looking for a goofy movie.

June 18, 2002

Working on the coal mine (aka basement)

So for all of you keeping score at home (and I know that there's actually none of you.. because nobody visits this site!), here's how our basement is coming along:

Now we just have to paint the walls and put something on the floors. Oh, and put in the kicking surround sound theatre system so we can keep up with cam. what's that cam, you don't like that idea?

I'm a ninja... a sneaky ninja but still a ninja.

I don't think of myself as being all that sneaky, but these internet quizzes never lie, do they?

June 17, 2002

Best of U2 - Part 2

Check out Mark's new song on our mp3.com site. It's called Mennonite Women (The Sequel). We threw in some funky beats and old-sk00l samples, natch.

u2log.com has info on the second 'Best Of' from U2 that should be out Nov. 11th. It'll probably highlight the '90's (Achtung Baby, Zooropa, Passengers?, Pop) as well as have a b-sides collection. It's funny, but even though I've already got all these cd's and most of the b-sides, I'm still really looking forward to this release. (sue is no doubt rolling her eyes at this!) The 90s are the period that I really got into U2 and it'll be interesting to see if they re-do a track like they did for the previous Best Of with Sweetest Thing or just put a couple new tunes on it to entice people to buy it.

To keep the u2 theme going, i don't know if I ever posted these pictures here - but here's pics from the u2 cover night i did with some friends back a couple months.

June 14, 2002

Martha Marth Martha... always Martha

Uh oh... looks like Sue's favorite tv and home decor personality is getting investigated for possible insider trading. Yes, Martha Stewart is having troubles with her billions and billions of dollars of Martha Stewart stock. It's a good thing.

In 'I think you've got late charges' news, someone returned a book a library in Halifax 74 years late. Not only that, but it was actually due at a library in Michigan.

And lastely, I'll leave you for your weekend to mull this one over: A BC speed skater was tackled by a naked man during a practice one night. Luckily the skater was able to identify the man as a 'white male.'

June 13, 2002

'm not a warblogger

Gotta add a new entry just so i don't look like a warblogger - someone who just comments on the latest news from the WAR ON TERROR tm.

It is interesting the more you read sites like www.whatreallyhappened.com it throws your mind for a loop trying to figure out who is really telling the truth. It's like an Enemy of The State/Consipracy Theory come to life moment. Only without the theme music and dramatic camera angles.

In other news, the new songs that I worked on with Mark and Kirk should be going live any day now on our mp3.com site. One is a "Without Me" parody of Eminem's new single, and the other is a popped up remix of Mark's sequel to Mennonite Girl. Both are very fresh and spicy and deserve your full listening attention. Boo-yah!

June 11, 2002

Two sides to every story, and sometimes three

There's a lot of interesting reading floating around the net in the wake of the arrest of Jose Padillo in connection with 'dirty bombs' being planned for the states. I'm sure you can find plenty of conspiracy theories on your own, but something I find interesting about it all is this:

Regardless of what's really happening, that alone just makes everything look slimy.

BTW if you enjoy some good conspiracy theories, check out the site where I grabbed this info from: www.whatreallyhappened.com. Just remember there's at least two sides to every story. Be sure to check out this article as well.

U2 Can Build America

Check out a video sample of a new U2 tune, "The Hands That Built America." It's planned for the new Scorcese movie, 'Gangs of New York'.

Snagged from: www.u2log.com

This site is under construction... Please come again.

So I did some stuff to the site that might make it a little slower in some areas, but should make for more space on the server for more important things - like my email. (doh!)

I off-loaded all the pictures from our travels and music/movies to my Shaw homepage so they may take a little longer to load now, but at least I'll be able to recieve my email at work and not worry about running out of space.

Other than that, I also added a 'Sign Up To Be Notified' box on the right hand side where you can pop your email address in to be notified whenever an update is done to this site. I promise to sell your email address to as many people as possible and use it to sign up for as much spam as possible.

At least I'm being honest right? You appreciate honesty don't you? I thought so.

June 10, 2002

Found someone you have... marry her you will.

So we had a little coupley party - Sue and myself, Mark & Teegan, Kevin & Luanne, Jason & Dana and Cam. Cam was flying solo tonight as Tenielle had made other plans. Much laughter followed as we watched the end of the MTV Movie Awards and talked and talked about a whole bunch of schtuff. Oh, and Kevin & Luanne got engaged on Thursday. October wedding. (Just seeing if you're still paying attention. Here's the pictures to prove that it did happen:

June 7, 2002

So you wanna make movies?

o as I'm doing a bunch of Apple training here at work, I'm realizing once again how much I'd really like a Mac - if we could afford one.

Powermac G4 933 - $3,169
17" Apple Studio Display - $1,199
Sony DCRTRV740 Video Camera - $1,099
Final Cut Pro - $449
DVD Studio Pro - $819
Firewire Cable - $12
All for only $6,747 ($7,624 w/taxes)

You can even throw in an extra $1500 for a DigiDesign Digi001 and be setup for video and audio production.

Well, all I can really do is put it on my Christmas list I guess. :)

(note: all prices are education pricing only and are available at The Campus Computer Store. :) )

June 6, 2002

Bob and David come to your home and make you feel all warm and fuzzy

In the "This Humour Is Not For Everyone" category, the Mr. Show DVD comes out this week. Here's a bit of a lowdown on what's coming:

"Watch Bob and David push the envelope until you want to scream, "Leave that poor envelope alone!" The 2-disc set includes 288 Minutes of "Mr. Show" episodes plus bonus features (in glorious full color and Dolby Surround sound)."

It includes the full first two seasons of Mr. Show. I know of at least 1 of my many, many friends that I have that will be buying this. And I have many friends, let me tell you.

June 5, 2002

About me.. about you... what else do i have to do?

Well, I finished up a bit of an about me page. Pretty much self-explanatory.

Other than that, not much new to report. We got a few drops of rain today, but obviously still not enough to make any sort of difference for the crops or for the forest fires raging up north.

June 4, 2002

Pong it up... 3D style

Most people have probably seen this already, but it's new to me, so... 3D Web based Pong.

And it's getting to do pics like this on our store webpage that makes me love my job even more. :)

Itching to buy a spaceship... I know I am

or today's crazy ebay auction we turn to the Russian space program - apparently someone has gotten their hands on a 1984 BOR-5 Space Shuttle Prototype (I personally prefered the '85 model with the power windows and locks, but that's just me). It can be yours for only $125,000US.

Things are getting crazy between Pakistan and India. Nuclear weapon use is a possibility - very scary.

June 3, 2002

Monday morning web wanderings

Microsoft has built a "house of the future" - without a bathroom ... Holyfield beat Rahman with his head - and gave Rahman another "head" ... Project: Denny's - to visit every Denny's restaurant in the world ... Indiana Jones 4 being worked on - Harrison Ford comes out of retierment to star ... Matt has got some new episode guides for Seinfeld and La Femme:Nikita up on his page if that kind of thing turns your crank ...