6 reasons why I'm wierd
I've been tagged by Caro. I'm never tagged, and I never do these questionaire, bloggy things. OH well, Caroline's good people so we'll do it.
1) I didn't have a drivers license until I was 23 (because I hadn't tried, not because I kept failing.)
2) I like Coranation Street and I'm not a little old lady. Most of the shows I watch "religiously" must be watched on the computer because they come from England and even with cable I wouldn't be guaranteed to get them.
3) I love womens fashion, would gladly go to the symphony or opera weekly if I could afford it, despise sports in almost all it's forms (Surfing, Skateboarding, and Snowboarding are like punk music, they were once rebellious and counter cultural. It's not my fault they all got popular.), could probably gladly be a very nazish hairdresser and I quite often talk using limp hand gestures. And after all that it turns out I'm not gay.
4) I love art in almost all it's forms (sorry "creative" dance doesn't work for me.. I'm more of a ballet person.. see above), and I am quite efficient with a pen and a brush and with woodworking and yet I produce little or nothing unless it is required or requested. I must need a muse or summat.
5) I am an extremely personal, slightly agoraphobic person who likes hugs.
6) I am allergic to rhubarb.. I don't know if that's wierd so much as damned annoying.
This was much harder than I would've thought. I guess if I have to I tag Jezza.