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January 30, 2007

6 reasons why I'm wierd

I've been tagged by Caro. I'm never tagged, and I never do these questionaire, bloggy things. OH well, Caroline's good people so we'll do it.

1) I didn't have a drivers license until I was 23 (because I hadn't tried, not because I kept failing.)

2) I like Coranation Street and I'm not a little old lady. Most of the shows I watch "religiously" must be watched on the computer because they come from England and even with cable I wouldn't be guaranteed to get them.

3) I love womens fashion, would gladly go to the symphony or opera weekly if I could afford it, despise sports in almost all it's forms (Surfing, Skateboarding, and Snowboarding are like punk music, they were once rebellious and counter cultural. It's not my fault they all got popular.), could probably gladly be a very nazish hairdresser and I quite often talk using limp hand gestures. And after all that it turns out I'm not gay.

4) I love art in almost all it's forms (sorry "creative" dance doesn't work for me.. I'm more of a ballet person.. see above), and I am quite efficient with a pen and a brush and with woodworking and yet I produce little or nothing unless it is required or requested. I must need a muse or summat.

5) I am an extremely personal, slightly agoraphobic person who likes hugs.

6) I am allergic to rhubarb.. I don't know if that's wierd so much as damned annoying.

This was much harder than I would've thought. I guess if I have to I tag Jezza.

Posted by eustace at 4:56 PM | Comments (0)

Apparently Rage Against the Machine is reforming to play the Coachella festival. Brilliant.. and I won't be there. Crap!

Posted by eustace at 12:01 AM | Comments (0)

January 29, 2007

Top Gear is back!!!

Posted by eustace at 5:50 AM | Comments (0)

January 23, 2007

I'm all better.. OK not really but it's sure nice to say isn't it.

Posted by eustace at 2:36 PM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2007

so i'm sick. i'm not complaining, not about getting sick anyway. i could have alot worse reasons to say i'm sick than a head full of pressure and achey everything. but i am greatly annoyed with some of the non-physical side effects. it's the weekend so i should want to go out and see friends and hang out with my girl and the like. but i don't. i'm at home and don't feel like doing anything except sitting here in the living room on the green chair (not the one i'm gonna try and buy on monday if it's still at the sally anne and is still 5$). i've tried other things. i've tried watching things on TV and on the computer but my head feels like sludge and i just get bored and can't pay attention. i've tried to write something for a new project i'm working on, but i just get confused and loose my train of thought and then get frustrated and erase everything. i've sat down with my bass and tried to play something, but i'm incapable of putting anything together in my head, and my damn CD player is broken so playing along to that is out as well. so what have i been doing? well besides the occasional nap and eating little bits once in awhile (i need a coffee right now actually) i've been reading. i never read. don't know why, just easily distracted by anything else. i'm half started or half finished five or six books with ten or twenty others waiting in the wings. so why now? well because i can, it seems it's all i can do right now. and what am i reading? it's a lovely tome called "The World According to Clarkson" which is a collection of his articles from the Sunday Times (England). if the name Jeremy Clarkson means nothing to you, i'm not surprised. he's a presenter on the wonderful motoring program Top Gear (which returns next Sunday with Hampster recovered and from the preview i saw the boys being the boys.) he's generally just a crotchety old man (though he's not that old.) for some reason reading the random ramblings of a jackass far to like myself is nice right now. that and the book is due back at the library on the 25th.

like i said, i'm not complaining. i'm just glad this isn't permanent.

Posted by eustace at 12:55 AM | Comments (1)

January 17, 2007

if you've got some time on your hands...

it's intermissions from a childrens broadcaster in Japan. someones got the coolest job in the world.

Posted by eustace at 5:58 AM | Comments (0)

January 15, 2007

I was told at lunch by Arno, the co-owner of the Yard and Flagon, that they are opening a new pub.. in Warman.

Posted by eustace at 8:58 PM | Comments (3)

January 12, 2007

It's funny how after one day the lovely little storm we had is given the title "The Blizzard of 2007". For all we know, in February we may have a blizzard that buries our houses and kills everyone. Or in March we could have a Blizzard that turns Sask Place (or whatever the hell it's called these days) into a giant snow cone. I think if we're gonna name a storm, instead of calling it THE Blizzard of 2007, we should call it "Mable" or "Bernie" or "Ozzy". Then if another bigger one comes along, we just name it something more butch than this one and we don't look stupid.

PS; First person to tell me why you would call a blizzard "Ozzy" wins a prize.

PPS; There isn't really a prize.

Posted by eustace at 1:20 AM | Comments (3)

January 11, 2007

Since it seems in fashion to post pictures of the effects of our little storm, I thought I'd show some people our snowbanks.

Back of the yard

For some sense of scale, the tops of those caraganas are around 10ft tall.

Posted by eustace at 6:32 PM | Comments (1)

we have snowbanks well over six feet in our yard... and we're not going anywhere any time soon.

Posted by eustace at 1:39 AM | Comments (0)

January 4, 2007

Well, the telephone almost won as the "Greatest Canadian Invention" last night. Luckily Insulin won making sure we didn't look silly. The telephone is not a canadian invention. The story of Bell and the telephone is quite tainted with controversy concerning the goings on in the patent office he filed at and the works of Elisha Gray, which were actually in the same patent office a few hours before Bell's. Add to that the fact that Antonio Meucci constructed an electrical acoustic transmission device around 4 years before either of the other men and Bell's claim looks shotty. And even if for some reason you still thought Bell could be said to be the outright inventor of the telephone, he was a Scotsman working in the States when he filed the patent.

Posted by eustace at 2:47 PM | Comments (0)

January 2, 2007

'Tis the new year and time for.... wait, today is no different than yesterday except I have to remember to sign forms with a 2007 or 07. I hate having to remember what year it is. Stupid years, I thought it was still 2005 in August.

In other news, I like my friends but I don't like them all at once. I think I like discussion and engaging in personalities too much and find big groups hard to focus in. I'm an eavesdropper. Sorry, can't help it. I think it's genetic, my dad is one too. If I'm supposed to be focused on one discussion and there are five more going on around me I'm screwed.

Posted by eustace at 3:36 AM | Comments (2)