some random quotes to fill some space.. i mean time:
Clarkson: If you go though the pearly gates, backwards, in a ball of fire, that is cool!
Hammond: I love that vision of just blasting through the gates, backwards, in a flaming Swedish supercar! 'Yes! I'm here! Where are the women?' - from Top Gear refering to how cool the Koenigsegg CCX is.
"Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority." - Stephen Colbert (on the Daily Show)
"Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake." - Jon Stewart (on the Daily Show)
Colbert: Look. Do you believe there's a God?
Ehrman: I'm not sure.
Colbert: Really?
Ehrman: Yeah.
Colbert: Sooooo, you're an agnostic?
Ehrman: That's right.
Colbert: Isn't that just an atheist without balls? ... 'Cause if I were an atheist, I'd be able to look to God and say, "sorry, don't exist, sir."
Ehrman: Uh huh.
Colbert: Right?
Ehrman: Yes, you would.
***later in interview***
Colbert: Do you believe in God yourself?
Ehrman: Uh, no.
Colbert: You don't.
Ehrman: No, I'm an agnostic.
Colbert: Did you ever, uh... I guess what I meant to ask is, did you ever believe in God?
Ehrman: Uh, yes.
Colbert: You did?
Ehrman. Yes. I had balls then.
Colbert: I can't improve on that!
(taken from the Colbert Report interview with Bart Ehramn, author of "Misquoting Jesus")
"A dog makes a better noise than that if you tread on it" - Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear (regarding a Strokes song the show used and i'd almost agree.)
Stephen Colbert is amazing. I love that line about atheists with no balls.
Posted by: Andrew L
July 22, 2006 8:01 PM