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July 27, 2006

i'll give us a short update, nothing too interesting, but new anyway. i bought the new Thom Yorke album and if any of you is in a record store thinking "i should buy some new music, but what should i buy?", promptly pick up Eraser by Thom Yorke and purchase it. actually, the fact that it's spectasticly wonderific aside, my purchasing it was a bit of a drama because of a miswritten sticker at the vinyl exchange. but in the end i came home with a large plastic disc with the most wonderful music on it.

on tuesday aft helen and i went to see Pirates of the Caribean (part deux), and it was very good, despite the "to be continued" type ending. one thing though. is this supposed to be a kids movie? it's pretty scary stuff. the bad guys are really good nightmare material. kids must really be desensitized these days. in other movie news i've watched both Kill Bill's recently which were excelent, though don't watch them if you a conservative "focus" kind of person. you'll only see violence and won't get the art/beauty of it. also, i watched both the new and the old Manchurian Candidate. both are very good, though a hybrid of both versions would be better.

i've gotten into beer stuff again, studying the definitions and learning about what's what. good ole beer.. it's in the bible (mark help me out here.)

Posted by eustace at 4:30 PM | Comments (2)

July 25, 2006

its to hot to think or type or write or sleep or think... see

Posted by eustace at 4:15 AM | Comments (0)

July 17, 2006

This web site is just pornography... shameful.

Posted by eustace at 10:51 PM | Comments (1)

July 13, 2006

i borrowed the original "Italian Job" from Amelia and i must say it is acres better than the Marky Marky one from a few years back (with the exception of Mos Def, that man makes everything better.) it's funnier (it's british so that's a good start) and cleverer(er) and the chase with the mini's is hilarious.

Posted by eustace at 5:29 PM | Comments (1)

July 6, 2006

some random quotes to fill some space.. i mean time:

Clarkson: If you go though the pearly gates, backwards, in a ball of fire, that is cool!
Hammond: I love that vision of just blasting through the gates, backwards, in a flaming Swedish supercar! 'Yes! I'm here! Where are the women?' - from Top Gear refering to how cool the Koenigsegg CCX is.

"Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority." - Stephen Colbert (on the Daily Show)

"Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake." - Jon Stewart (on the Daily Show)

Colbert: Look. Do you believe there's a God?
Ehrman: I'm not sure.
Colbert: Really?
Ehrman: Yeah.
Colbert: Sooooo, you're an agnostic?
Ehrman: That's right.
Colbert: Isn't that just an atheist without balls? ... 'Cause if I were an atheist, I'd be able to look to God and say, "sorry, don't exist, sir."
Ehrman: Uh huh.
Colbert: Right?
Ehrman: Yes, you would.
***later in interview***
Colbert: Do you believe in God yourself?
Ehrman: Uh, no.
Colbert: You don't.
Ehrman: No, I'm an agnostic.
Colbert: Did you ever, uh... I guess what I meant to ask is, did you ever believe in God?
Ehrman: Uh, yes.
Colbert: You did?
Ehrman. Yes. I had balls then.
Colbert: I can't improve on that!
(taken from the Colbert Report interview with Bart Ehramn, author of "Misquoting Jesus")

"A dog makes a better noise than that if you tread on it" - Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear (regarding a Strokes song the show used and i'd almost agree.)

Posted by eustace at 5:10 PM | Comments (1)